Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Institution: Yonsei University
Course Number: IEE1063-01
Course Description: The field of psychology aims to examine the scientific basis of human behavior, including sensation and perception, learning and thinking, motivation, and emotion. Psychology encompasses a broad range of topics that can be applied to diverse fields, with the ultimate goal of better understanding what determines and drives human behavior such that we may contribute to better the lives of individuals across age, gender, and culture. The overarching purpose of this course is to provide students with a general survey of topics in psychology. To enhance students` understanding of human behavior, we will discuss fascinating research findings that impact our everyday behavior and functioning. It is hoped that students` interest in psychology will be heightened. Even if this is the one and only psychology-related course during students` college years, what students learn through this course will hopefully provide students with a better understanding of who you are, who we are,
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 100
Course URL:
Attachment Files: intro to psyc.pdf

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