Course Details

Country: Italy
Course Title: Monetary Policy, Economic Growth And International Affairs
Course Number: M226
Course Description: The course helps to understand the main interdependences among monetary policy, economic growth and international affairs. Lehman Brothers, the Arab Spring, climate change, oil and commodities price, the financial crisis in South-East Asia in the ‘90s, the slowdown of Chinese and BRICs’ economies, Brexit, the US Presidential election, the Eurozone crisis, the Greek crisis, deflation in Japan, are all events somehow linked with monetary policy decisions. The course helps to understand these links. And to analyze the complex interdependences in today’s world. During the course students analyze – through simulations and class debates, guest speakers, newspapers articles and Mario Draghi and Janet Yellen videos – the many and complex implications of Central Bank’s decisions: on world’s economies, on financial markets’ stability, on social and political stability of emerging countries, on environmental policies.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: Pending For Approval

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