Course Details
Sciences Po - Paris campus
Course Title:
Geopolitics of the Middle East: The Sunni-Shia Relationships
Course Number:
DAFF 25A22
Course Description:
This course aims to provide an overview of the Sunni-Shia relationships since the death of the Prophet Muhammad when the question of succession was raised, until today. The question of succession gave birth to two different - and sometimes rivaling - conceptions of the prophetic message as well as political power: the Caliphate supported by the Sunnis-to-be, and the Imamate, supported by Ali's family and followers, later called Shia Muslims. The Sunni-Shia relationships impact the geopolitics of the Middle East but are also shaped by the regional geopolitics. The purpose of this seminar is to take a critical approach in order to understand that the Sunni-Shia divisions also take place in particular political and regional contexts, and to go beyond a strictly confessional reading of geopolitical issues in the Middle East.
Approved Equivalent:
Pending For Approval
Attachment Files:
SCIENCES PO - islamic politics.pdf