Course Details
University of New South Wales
Course Title:
Ecology, Sustainability and Environmental Science
Course Number:
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to the topics of ecology, sustainability and environmental science.
• The course develops student skills in critically assessing scientific information, routinely debated by the public and decision-makers. It provides a strong grounding in today's and tomorrow’s environmental problems and the role of science in providing solutions.
• You may decide to specialise as an environmental scientist, environmental engineer, ecologist, marine biologist or a river scientist and this course will provide a fundamental base. Even if you are enrolled in a completely different degree (e.g. law, commerce, engineering, art), you will find this course a useful elective. There are few professions today that can ignore the effects of environmental issues. Of course, your everyday life will also be informed by what you learn.
Approved Equivalent:
Pending For Approval
Attachment Files:
BIOS1301 2021 Course Outline.pdf