Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: History of Spain
Course Number: 13265
Course Description: Acquire a comprehensive understanding of changes, ruptures and continuities of social and political contemporary Spanish history. 2. Relate historical events and processes of 19th and 20th centuries with the Spanish present. 3. Awareness of respect for views derived from other national or cultural backgrounds. 4. Ability to communicate orally using the terminology and techniques accepted in the historiographical profession. 5. Ability to identify and appropriately use sources of information for historical research. 6. Knowledge and ability to use the instruments of information gathering, such as library catalogs, archive inventories and electronic references. 7. Ability to manage digital information and techniques as well as to produce data relate to history. 8. Ability to organize complex historical information coherently. 9. Awareness of distinguishing historical approaches throughout different periods. 10. Awareness that historical discourse is constantly under construction.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: HNRS 240, INTS 399, HIST L388
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