Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Waseda University
Course Title: Comprehensive Japanese 4 (Japanese course for International Student)
Course Number: LANJ201L
Course Description: In this class, you will learn intermediate level vocabulary, expressions, and grammar based on textbooks. You will learn the four skills of "reading, listening, speaking, and writing" using the language items you have learned. Specifically, I will engage in various expressive activities such as discussing social topics of my interest, writing medium-length reports, and giving presentations that clarify the issues. increase. Preparation for the phrase quiz of each lesson (learning phrase notes) is required for preparation. It is expected that the preparation will take about 60 minutes. After each lesson, you will need to review the grammar and reading comprehension of each lesson. The review is expected to take 90-120 minutes a week. * This class will be conducted as a real-time delivery class in Japan Standard Time (JST).
Language: Japanese
Approved Equivalent: JAPA 330
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