Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: History of Art in Spain
Course Number:
Course Description: To appreciate and recognise several interpretations and values of the work of art in different historic contexts. 2. To explain the most important processes of the artistic change and cultural transformations of Western art ( especially in Spain). 3. To explain the most important artistic events of Art History, placing them correctly in time and space and emphasizing their significance in the process history-art. 4. To understand works of art as exponents of creativity and value them as a document from one period and one culture. 5. To know, enjoy and value the cultural heritage of Spain, Andalucia and Granada. 6. To develop critical sense and to be able to enjoy aesthetics.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: ARTH 303, ARTH 398, HNRS 240, SPAN 480
Course URL:
Attachment Files: HistoryOfArtISpain.pdf

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