Course Details

Country: Ireland
Institution: Dublin City University
Course Title: Cognitive Psychology and Biopsychology
Course Number: PSY1085
Course Description: Cognitive Psychology is concerned with: how we attend to and gain information about the world; how information is stored and processed by the brain and; how we solve problems, think, and formulate language. It is the scientific study of the thinking mind. Students will study: attention; perception and memory; language; intelligence and problem solving; and representations of knowledge. Biopsychology has, as its core question; what role does biology have in determining our behaviour? In studying Biopsychology students will learn about: Neuroanatomy and Neuropsychology; the biological bases of behaviour; Behavioural Genetics; Evolutionary Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology and; the chemical bases of behaviour.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: PSYC 372
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