Course Details

Country: Japan
Institution: Waseda University
Course Title: Reading French Texts 3 (Arts and Culture)
Course Number: 2323010003
Course Description: As I read French literary works anyway, I will be able to read French on my own. Course Outline French, mainly literary texts, anyway, if you have a dictionary, you will be able to read full-scale French sentences on your own. The famous works of French literature are picked up in order from the ones that are easy to read, and many are read, so it also serves as an opportunity to learn about masterpieces of French literature. It is intended for people who have learned French thoroughly, but even those who are not confident in French will be able to read the actual French sentences by themselves because they will learn the tips of reading French while reviewing grammatical matters... It should be. Regarding the themes to be picked up, we will conduct a questionnaire at the beginning of the semester, so we would like to meet everyone's
Language: Japanese
Approved Equivalent: FREN 380
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