Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Photography and Visual Arts
Course Number: 3358
Course Description: The subject Photography and Visual Arts aims to train students in this discipline, in a way thatthat they know the dimension of photography as a communication process, its possibilities and its differentuses both from a theoretical and practical point of view. To achieve this objective it is necessary to acquire abasic handling of the camera, use of lenses and work with aspects such as exposure, depth of field andthe composition of images. In addition, it is necessary to delve into photography as an advertising medium,knowing its main applications: portrait, still life, etc. and the specific techniques used in thecatchment. We will study the most prominent professionals and analyze their styles. Finally, it is doneIt is essential to acquire skills in digital post-production using specific software.
Language: Spanish
Approved Equivalent: HNRS 122
Course URL:
Attachment Files: 3358.pdf

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