Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Morphological and Movement Anatomy
Course Number: 16611
Course Description: The subject proposes an approach to the human body from a two-dimensional space, working from thestudy of the human skeleton to the classical study that we will approach from living models, thedance or structural knowledge of the human body.The subject essentially proposes that the student dominate the visual space in a global way, from the drawingin large dimensions to personal work notebooks. Always looking for proportionality in thetreatment of the human figure and looking for the style and personality of each of the students.Morphological anatomy is a subject that belongs to the processes of artistic creation, and that includesalso the learning and handling of own techniques and materials and necessary for all creative development.We understand technical training always linked to the development of creativity and imagination, and that it isIt is precisely this basic training that enables a better and greater development of these characteristics.of the human being.
Language: Spanish
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
Course URL:
Attachment Files: 16611.pdf

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