Course Details

Country: Ireland
Institution: Dublin City University
Course Title: How life works 2
Course Number: BIO1001
Course Description: Following on from module BE101, this module introduces genetics and animal physiology. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe nucleic acid structure and the molecular mechanism of DNA replication 2. Outline the stages on prokaryotic and eukaryotic transcription 3. Explain the process of translation and the role of the genetic code 4. Describe how mutations can give rise to functional consequences and the general features of DNA repair systems 5. Outline the key events of mitosis and meiosis 6. State Mendel’s laws of inheritance and outline the characteristics of dominant, recessive, and X-linked traits 7. Outline the steps of gene cloning, the polymerase chain reaction and Sanger sequencing 8. Describe the general features of cell communication 9. Discuss the concept of homeostasis 10. Describe the general principles of digestion 11. Discuss hormones and their mechanisms of action 12. Describe the role of innate immunity and acquired immunity in protecting the body 13. Describe
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: BIOL 482
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