Course Details

Country: Ireland
Institution: Dublin City University
Course Title: Climate and Aquatic Science
Course Number: ENS1004
Course Description: The purpose of this module is: 1. to gain an appreciation of environmental sampling, analysis and monitoring. 2. To emphasise the importance of correct sampling approaches within environmental monitoring. 3. To describe analytical technologies and technical tools to identiy, quantify and assess anthropogenic affects upon the environment. 4. To describe the implementation of effective pollution control measures. 5. To teach an awareness of clean-up procedures for pollution incidents and the legal tools for the control of environmental damage. Indicative Content and Learning Activities : Atmospheric Chemical composition of the atmosphere. Anthropogenic influence on atmospheric chemistry. Greenhouse affect. Carbon, nitrogen, sulphur cycling. Ozone depletion. Aquatic Chemical composition of water. Carbon dynamics in water. Phase diagrams.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: CHEM 427
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