Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: Lengua
Course Number: 3346
Course Description: Speaking a language is a superior sign of the human condition. From a social point of view, language is theinstrument of communication par excellence, vehicle that allows exposing, persuading, debating, arguingour ideas and interpret those expressed by others. From the individual point of view, language serves toto think, to create, to develop intelligence and personality, is an essential means forlearning and for progress in any facet of human activity. The subject rounds the knowledge acquired by students in previous educational stages so that they can function with ease and security in their future profession. The objective of the degree in Advertising at the Francisco de Vitoria University is to train people with the ability toplan, build and evaluate actions typical of the professional field of the degree. For this, the student will haveto know the techniques that allow adapting to the needs of the clients without giving up
Language: Spanish
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
Course URL:
Attachment Files: Teaching guide.pdf

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