Course Details
Free University of Amsterdam
Course Title:
Buddhist Mindfulness and Care
Course Number:
Course Description:
The increasing interest in Buddhist spiritual caregiving and mindfulness is partly due to a disproportionate increase in mental distress and decrease in wellbeing, and the promise and potential of Buddhist approaches to these topics. The current popularity of mindfulness is at a peak and quite encouraging. However, there is often a lack of authentic input from the ancient Buddhist wisdom traditions. This lack has become an obstacle to deepened, embodied experiences, and has made mindfulness techniques often mechanistic and have diminished their true value and effectivity. The Buddhism team at the VU aims to cater for the need and the demand for rooted mindfulness by enabling students to explore the holistic and authentic Buddhist tradition that base mindfulness in its natural home. This course will introduce Buddhist mindfulness in theory and practice with special focus on Spiritual Care.
Approved Equivalent:
RELI 315
Attachment Files: