Course Details

Country: Germany
Course Title: Russland in der Weltpolitik: neue Regional- oder alte Weltmacht?
Course Number: PW-MA-2c/3c/4c
Course Description: International politics has entered an era of tectonic change, in which rules and norms are being rearranged. Russia – together with the People's Republic of China – plays the most active role and is of the greatest importance. But what is behind it? Why and with what is Moscow so dissatisfied if it made all the commitments that it feels like a straitjacket to itself in the 1990s in the 1990s? "Russia knows better what it doesn't want than what it really wants" - this is the standard answer to the above questions in the West. According to this, the Kremlin is trying to destroy the liberal international order without being able to present an alternative; so he's acting as a 'spoiler'. Moscow, on the other hand, insists that it only advocates the preservation of those rules and norms that were established, for example, within the framework of the UN
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: GOVT 338
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