Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Belgium Ghent University K001182 Media Psychology and Media Sociology COMM L396
Belgium Ghent University F000929 Microeconometrics ECON 3---
Belgium Ghent University A005292 19th-century Art ARTH 360
Belgium Ghent University H001993 Cross-cultural Psychology PSYC 379
Belgium Ghent University H002022 Teams and Work Motivation in Organizations PSYC 467
Belgium Howest University Platform Development 1 GAME 140, GAME 399
Belgium Ghent University Ghent University A005583 24 Art Policy and Museum Studies 24 ARTH 101, ARTH 398
Belgium Ghent University A005053 24 English Literature I 24 ENGH 202
Belgium Ghent University A005637 Music and Social Action INTS 399
Belgium Ghent University B001581 Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives SOCI 320
Belgium Ghent University A005531 History of the Americas HIST 387
Belgium Ghent University A005569 24 Global Minds 24 CULT 390
Belgium Ghent University A005531 History of the Americas 4 HIST 387
Belgium Ghent University A005531 History of the Americas 5 HIST 387
Belgium Ghent University A005531 History of the Americas 6 HIST 387
Belgium Ghent University A000790 English Literature II: Historical Survey: More Recent Period ENGH 2--
Belgium Ghent University A000790 English Literature II: Historical Survey: More Recent Period 2 ENGH 2--
Belgium Ghent University A005649 Art and Archaeology of South Asia ARTH 382, ARTH 398
Belgium Ghent University F000685 Fiscal Policy ECON 3--
Belgium Ghent University F000935 Ecological Economics ECON 335
Belgium Ghent University A005127 Culture in Perspective: South and East Asia GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Belgium Ghent University F000751 Economic Globalisation ECON 390
Brazil Insper Global Strategy MGMT 441
Brazil Insper Digital Marketing MKTG 315
Brazil Insper Cross-Cultural Management MGMT 461
Brazil Insper Decision Making and Negotiation MGMT 463
Brazil Insper Analysis of the Economic Environment I ECON 3---
Brazil Insper Circular Economy: Design for the Future ECON 3---
Brazil Insper Family Business BUS 491
Brazil Insper International Development: Strategies and Practices GOVT 464, GOVT 398
Brazil Insper Macroeconomics and Financial Markets FNAN 491
Brazil Insper Private Equity and Venture Capital FNAN 431
Brazil Insper Value Chain and Business Ecosystems Management OSCM 491
Brazil Insper Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making OSCM 491
Brazil Insper Behavioral Economics and Financial Markets FNAN 491
Brazil Insper Consumer Behavior: Science and Practice MKTG 312
Brazil Insper Global Cities SOCI 332
Brazil Insper Sustainable Design INTS 399
Brazil Insper Advanced organizational analysis past present and future INTS 399
Brazil Insper international money, banking and future markets FNAN ---
Brazil Insper Advanced organizational analyis GOVT 329, GOVT 398
Brazil Insper Advanced organizational analysis MGMT 441
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French 110 A1 &A2 FREN 110
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French 210 B1 FREN 201
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French A1 Intensive FREN 101
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French A2 Intensive FREN 102
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French B1 Intensive FREN 201
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French B2 Intensive FREN 202
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School Level C1 - Advanced FREN 400
Canada External - Toronto Metropolitan University CMTH110 Discrete Mathematics I MATH 125
Canada External - Toronto Metropolitan University CCHY183 Introduction to Forensic Sciences FRSC 101
Chile Universidad del Desarrollo - Santiago campus LOD 185 Globalization and its Impact GLOA 480
Chile Universidad del Desarrollo - Santiago campus SELE372 Sport Psychology and Human Performance SPMT 320
Chile Universidad del Desarrollo - Santiago campus RIC144 Social Entrepreneurship INTS 399
Chile Universidad del Desarrollo - Santiago campus STS220 Teorías Sistémicas PSYC ----
Chile Universidad del Desarrollo - Santiago campus SEV222 Psicología Evolutiva de la Adultez PSYC 415
Chile Universidad del Desarrollo - Santiago campus STC -210 Teorias. PSYC 3---
Chile External - TFAS Santiago TFAS Santiago ECON 100
China Tsinghua University 691132 Creativity and Fallacies in the Media YOU 215
China Tsinghua University 30510732 General Management MGMT 303
China Tsinghua University 40511273 Information Resource Management MIS 411
China Tsinghua University 405101093 Management System Simulation OSCM 435
China Tsinghua University 30220363 Modern Control Systems OSCM 352
China Tsinghua University 40050773 Sustainability: Environment, Energy and Personal Choices EVPP 336
China Tsinghua University 333 New Course Math 333 HIST 555
China External - Shanghai Normal University Public Speaking COM 012 COMM 100
China External - Shanghai Normal University World History HIS 021 HIST 125
China External - Shanghai Normal University ECON 038 Economic Development ECON 360
China External - CET Harbin HB/LANG 325 Conversation Seminar CHIN 3--
China External - CET Harbin HB/LANG 413 Introduction to Chinese Newspaper Reading CHIN 3--
China External - Jinan University 0201F300 Financial Management FNAN 303
China External - Southwestern University of Finance and Economics BLAW210 Business Law BULE L303
China External - Southwestern University of Finance and Economics FINM301 Corporate Finance FNAN 303
China External - Jinan University 1102A350 Intermediate Accounting ACCT 303
China External - Jinan University 1102M200 Principles of Marketing MKTG 303
China External - Jinan University 0201F300 finance management FNAN 303, FNAN 303
China External - Jinan University 0601H212 since the civil war HIST L389
China External - Shanghai Normal University ACC 033 Accounting for Decision Making ACCT L303
China External - Huazhong University of Science & Technology FIN 021 Introduction to Finance FNAN L303
China External - Jinan University 0704B101 Introductory Biology (With Lab) BIOL 103 + BIOL 105
China External - Jinan University 0201F300 Financial Management FNAN 303, FNAN 303
China External - Jinan University 1101A350 intermediate ACCt1 ACCT 303
China External - Jinan University 0601H212 U.S. History: Since the Civil War HIST L398
China External - Jinan University 1101A350 Intermediate Accounting I ACCT 303
China External - Jinan University 1102A350 Intermediate Accounting I ACCT 303, ACCT 303
China External - Huazhong University of Science & Technology BLAW 023 U.S. Business Law BULE L303
China External - Huazhong University of Science & Technology MKT 021 Introduction to Marketing MKTG L303
China External - Huazhong University of Science & Technology MGT 025 Operations Management OSCM L303
China External – Sichuan University MKT201 Principle of marketing MKTG L303
China External – Sichuan University LAW291 American Legal Environment of Business BULE L303
China External – Sichuan University CS 201 Introduction to Programming - Java IT 106
China External - Southwestern University of Finance and Economics MATH 205 Introductory Discrete Mathematics MATH 125
China External - Nanchang University MATH 22 Calculus II MATH 114
China External - Jinan University 0101S101 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 101
China External - Jinan University 0101P100H Honor Principles of Psychology PSYC 100
China External - Jinan University 0704N112 Principles of Nutrition NUTR 295
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas ARCH 3112 Latin American Architecture and Art ARTH 204
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas ART 2100 Art Fundamentals: Theory and Practice ARTH 101
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas Full Internship for the Green Lab Biocenter EVPP 395
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas CHEM 1050 Introduction to the physical and chemical basis of everyday life INTS 195

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