Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Australia Curtin University INTR3000 Conflict and Strategy INTS 399
Australia Curtin University INCD1004 Introduction to Indigenous Australian Ways of Working GGS 399
Australia Curtin University INCD1002 Indigenous Australian Issues and Factors in Local Region GGS 333
Australia Curtin University INCD2009 Initiating and Planning Indigenous Australian Community Projects GGS 399
Australia Curtin University INCD3003 Indigenous Australian Community Development Strategies and Practices GGS 399
Australia Curtin University ZOOL2000 Animal Diversity and Evolution BIOL 300, EVPP 490
Australia Curtin University GEOL1008 Dynamic earth Pending For Approval
Australia Curtin University MARI2000 Marine Ecology EVPP 490, EVPP 490,
Australia Curtin University SPAT2014 Environmental Applications of Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing Pending For Approval
Australia Curtin University PHYS1007 Physics 2 Pending For Approval
Australia Curtin University NPSC3001 STEM Professional Practice Pending For Approval
Australia Curtin University ECEV3001 Environmental Research Project Pending For Approval
Australia Curtin University ENST3002 Environmental Restoration Pending For Approval
Australia Curtin University GENE2002 Applied Genetics BIOL 435
Australia Curtin University GEOL5003 Geological Concepts GEOL 101
Australia Curtin University COMS0002 Foundations of Communication COMM 101
Australia Curtin University CHEM1001 Biological Chemistry CHEM ----, CHEM ----
Australia Curtin University IBUS 1001 Introduction to Global Business BUS 200
Australia Curtin University STAT2002 Quantitative Biology BIOL 214
Australia Curtin University AGRI2000 International Agricultural Trade ECON 105
Australia Curtin University AQUA3000 Sustainable Aquaculture EVPP 490
Australia Curtin University AGRI3006 Agricultural Microbiology EVPP 490
Australia Curtin University INDS3003 Rock Art, Archaeology and Antiquity ARTH 303
Australia Curtin University Introduction to Creative Arts AVT 103
Australia Curtin University JAPN1000 Japanese for beginners JAPA 110
Spain DecaTech Summer School Big Data Analytics Pending For Approval
Spain DecaTech Summer School Patchwork City INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 41500016 Psychology of Extensive Lectures in Sport Psychology PSYC 3---
Japan Doshisha University 31702005 Clinical Psychology I PSYC 321
Japan Doshisha University 30216204-002 Seminar in English Linguistics II - 2 - An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology ANTH 380
Japan Doshisha University 31810204 US-Japan Cultural Relations in the Global Age INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University A6233 Educational Psychology PSYC 312
Japan Doshisha University SES300HA Bio-diversity and Nature Conservation in Japan BIOL 3---
Japan Doshisha University 12001111-001 Basic Japanese - 1 JAPA 101
Japan Doshisha University 12001206 Introduction to Media and Communications COMM 202
Japan Doshisha University 12001207 Introduction to Globalization GLOA 101
Japan Doshisha University 10952140 Education and World Culture SOCI 120
Japan Doshisha University 31800011 Contemporary America in Global Perspective HIST L389, HIST L387
Japan Doshisha University 12001118 Religion in Japan RELI 212
Japan Doshisha University 10210111-001 Media in English A FAVS L399
Japan Doshisha University 31425201-001 Biology BIOL 3---
Japan Doshisha University 12001210 Japanese and World Literature JAPA 340
Japan Doshisha University 99100009-001 Issues in Japanese Culture HIST L387
Japan Doshisha University 99100018-001 Issues in Intercultural Communication CONF 397
Japan Doshisha University 99100008-051 International Relations in the Postwar Era Pending For Approval
Japan Doshisha University 12001318 International Economics ECON 390
Japan Doshisha University 12001310 Ecology and Economy in Japan INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 12001420 International Political Economy GOVT 343
Japan Doshisha University 12001314 Financial Accounting in Japan INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 12001313 The Financial System in Japan INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 99100020 Economy and Business in the Global Context Pending For Approval
Japan Doshisha University 12001309 Consumers and the Market in Japan INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 12001320 Management Accounting in Japan INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 12001321 International Marketing INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 12001322 International Business Communication INTS 399
Japan Doshisha University 12001419 International Law and Organizations GOVT 398, GOVT 446
Japan Doshisha University 12001215 Asian Civilizations HIST L387
Japan Doshisha University 12001211 World, Youth, and Pop Culture SOCI 3___
Japan Doshisha University 99100019 Economy and Business in the Global Context 1 Pending For Approval
Japan Doshisha University 12001410 International Relations in East Asia Pending For Approval
Japan Doshisha University 99100007-051 Japan in Modern World History HIST 387
Japan Doshisha University 12001216 Modern Japanese History HIST 356
Japan Doshisha University 12001213 Japan in the World: Cultural Flows and Diasporas JAPA 310
Japan Doshisha University 12001209 Media in Japan JAPA 380
Japan Doshisha University 99100010-001 Japanese Thought and Religion RELI 212
Ireland Dublin City University SOC1007 Introduction to Anthropology ANTH 114
Ireland Dublin City University GCB1007 Microbiology and Genetics BIOL L305
Ireland Dublin City University GCB1002 Human Inheritance and Population Genetics BIOL ----
Ireland Dublin City University BTE1021 Animal Cell Biotechnology BIOL 385
Ireland Dublin City University CHM1004 Introductory Chemistry 2 CHEM 104, INTS 295
Ireland Dublin City University CHM1011 Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 441
Ireland Dublin City University CHM1012 Bio-organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry CHEM 468
Ireland Dublin City University FBA1003 Financial Management FNAN L303
Ireland Dublin City University MAD1001 Introduction to Marketing MKTG L303
Ireland Dublin City University ECO1010 Macroeconomic Policy ECON 104
Ireland Dublin City University ECO1012 Econometrics and Forecasting ECON 3---
Ireland Dublin City University ECO1015 Topics in Applied Economics ECON ----
Ireland Dublin City University CUS1028 Analysing Visual Media Texts COMM L396, FAVS L399, COMM L396 + INTS L399, FAVS U204 + INTS 399, COMM L396 + FAVS L399, FAVS L399 + INTS L399
Ireland Dublin City University PHE1004 Ethics and Regulation COMM L385
Ireland Dublin City University MCO1030 Media and Power COMM ----, HNRS 131
Ireland Dublin City University MCO1027 Crime, Policing and the Media CRIM 490, CRIM 485, COMM 387, COMM 396
Ireland Dublin City University GER1008 German Culture and Society GERM 301
Ireland Dublin City University GER1013 German Literature and Film GERM 340
Ireland Dublin City University GEO1024 Global Climates GGS 102
Ireland Dublin City University POL1012 Introduction to European Integration GOVT 334, INTS 399
Ireland Dublin City University POL1015 American Political System GOVT 103
Ireland Dublin City University LAW1004 Public Internation Law GOVT 446, GOVT 398, GOVT 446
Ireland Dublin City University POL1020 Introduction to Development GOVT L444, INTS L399, SOCI 120
Ireland Dublin City University POL1036 Comparative European Politics GOVT 334
Ireland Dublin City University POL1037 Contemporary Politics of the Middle East/N. Africa GOVT 332
Ireland Dublin City University POL1038 Key Issues in International Relations GOVT 132
Ireland Dublin City University LG343X Political Terrorism GOVT 444
Ireland Dublin City University POL1043 Issues in European Integration GOVT 334
Ireland Dublin City University HEA1014 Challenging Global Health Problems GCH 205, HNRS 131
Ireland Dublin City University SOC1013 Sociology of Sport 2 SPMT 304
Ireland Dublin City University SPO1008 Motor Control and Learning PHED 306
Ireland Dublin City University SPO1019 Sport and Exercise Biomechanics I KINE 400
Ireland Dublin City University GEO1009 Ireland in Europe and the Wider World HIST 388
Ireland Dublin City University HIS1017 Death and Disease in History HIST 388
Ireland Dublin City University HIS1029 Intro to Popular Cultures in Ireland 1800-1950 HIST 388, HNRS 130, HNRS 240

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