Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
France Université Lumière Lyon 2 Sciences du Langage FREN 385
France Université Lumière Lyon 2 Formation de Français pour en Mobilité Internationale (FEMI) FREN 300
Germany University of Mannheim Biological Psychology: Neurobiology of Trust PSYC 3---
Argentina Universidad de San Andrés International Trade and Commercial Policy GOVT 464, GOVT 398, INTS 399
Korea, South Yonsei University GENERAL PHYSICS PHYS 160
Korea, South External - Korea University Introduction to Marketing MKTG L303
Korea, South External - Korea University Principles of Finance FNAN 303
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Introduction to South Africa's Political History HIST L387
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Visual Controversies in South Africa, Past and Present ARTH 303
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Transitional Justice CONF 397
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Growth, Unemployment and Inequality in South Africa ECON ---
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication COMM 305
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Marketing MKTG ---
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Equity, Leadership, & Transformation INTS 399
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Present Imperfect: Negotiating Identities in Film and Literature INTS 399
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Understanding HIV in South Africa: A Health & Social Justice Perspective GCH 491
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School China in Africa INTS 399
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Learning, Sustainability & Community Engagement INTS 399
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Public Health GCH 491
South Africa University of the Witwatersrand ANTH1001A ANTH 398
Brazil Insper Global Strategy MGMT 441
Brazil Insper Digital Marketing MKTG 315
Brazil Insper Cross-Cultural Management MGMT 461
Brazil Insper Decision Making and Negotiation MGMT 463
Italy American University of Rome Summer School Art of Rome ARTH 322
Italy American University of Rome Summer School Christianity and the Roman Empire RELI 202, ARTH 202, HIST 202
Italy American University of Rome Summer School Intercultural Communication COMM 305, HNRS 130
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Educational Psychology: Human Learning PSYC 312
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Organizational Psychology: Performance at Work PSYC 333
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Memory NEUR ---
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences The Brain NEUR ---
South Africa University of Johannesburg Psychology 1A PSYC 100
South Africa University of Johannesburg Pscyhology 2A PSYC 211
South Africa University of Johannesburg Psychology 2C PSYC 231
South Africa University of Johannesburg Psychology 2E PSYC 3---
South Africa University of Johannesburg Pscyhology 3A (Research Psychology) PSYC 201T
South Africa University of Johannesburg Psychology 3D (Psychopathology) psyc 325
South Africa University of Johannesburg Psychology 3G (Cognitive Psychology) PSYC 317
Korea, South Yonsei University Beginning Korean Writing KORE 301
Korea, South Yonsei University Understanding Korean culture KORE 301
Sweden Linnaeus University - Växjö campus Digital Media AVT 280
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Culture in its Historical Dimension HIST L388
Malta University of Malta Introduction to International Economics ECON 390
Malta University of Malta International Institutions CONF 397
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University Foreign affairs for global business A BUS 200
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University International Politics I GOVT 132
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University American Law (Constitutional Law, Legal System Theory I) GOVT 398
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University Japanese Politics Ⅰ GOVT 444
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University Political Science Ⅰ GOVT 329
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University Introduction to International Communication I COMM L305
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Epistemology PHI 373
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Ethics II: Autonomy, Freedom and Responsibility PHIL 355
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Comparative Politics II: Political Communication GOVT 434
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Global Political Economy GOVT 343
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam The European Union: Institutions, Politics and Policy GOVT 444
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Political Reform of Welfare States GOVT 329
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Individual Choice and Human Capital ECON 3---
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Inclusive growth and sustainability ECON 3---
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Public Economics ECON 330
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam International Trade and Development Economics ECON 360
Korea, South Yonsei University Discrete Mathematics MATH 125
Spain DecaTech Summer School Big Data Analytics Pending For Approval
Spain DecaTech Summer School Patchwork City INTS 399
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School The Korean Politics and Democracy GOVT 444
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School MODERN KOREAN LITERATURE KORE 311
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School NORTH KOREAN POLITICS AND FOREIGN POLICY INTS 399
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School Neurobiology NEUR 3---
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas Full Internship for the Green Lab Biocenter EVPP 395
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School Level C1 - Advanced FREN 400
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Latin America in a PostColonial Perspective and its relationship with Spain HNRS 240, INTS 399
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Cervantes and His World - Exemplary Novels (1613) INTS 295, SPAN 325, FRLN 330, INTS 399, INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Digital Marketing and Technology for Commerce INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam International Criminal Justice CRIM 485, CRIM 490
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Global Health GCH 205
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Drug Discovery GCH 494
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Governing Climate Change: Theory and Practice CLIM 101
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Big Data in Society INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Big Data Management and Analysis in Linux INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Data Analysis in R CDS 101
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Decolonizing Europe ANTH 322
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Ethics: Assessing Moral Dilemmas Through Ethical Theorizing PHIL 151
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Hands-on Anthropology and Ethnographic Storytelling ANTH 396
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam How to Conduct a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Psychological Interventions PSYC 461
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Neurodegenerative Diseases: Foundation, Tools and Perspectives NEUR ----, INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Single-Cell Technologies in Life Sciences BIOL 295
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam The Beautiful Mind: Global Perceptions of Mental Health GCH 491
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Economics of Urbanization ECON 3--
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam The Global Energy Transition in a Fossil World CLIM 101
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Amsterdam in Global Capitalism: 1500-present ECON 3--
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Analysis of EEG data in Matlab NEUR ----
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Exploring Religious and Global Identity in Africa RELI 322
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Kick start your Career: Academic skills during and after Grad school INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Law and Governance in Contemporary China GOVT 444
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Out of my mind: Embodied Cognition, Mechanistic Explanation and Mental Disorder NEUR ----
France Sciences Po - Paris campus BODY, MIND, AND SOUL AT WAR INTS 399
France Sciences Po - Paris campus WORLD POLITICS GOVT 444
France Sciences Po - Paris campus GLOBAL DIPLOMACY: THEORY AND PRACTICE GOVT 342
France Sciences Po - Paris campus HUMAN SECURITY GOVT 347, GOVT 398

Records 101 to 200 of 7167
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