Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Morocco Al Akhawayn University COM 4304 Communication and Development COMM 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University COM 4405 Media Production Project Seminar COMM 360
Morocco Al Akhawayn University CSC 1400 01 Introduction to Computer Science CS 100
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ECO 2310 Introduction to International Economics ECON 385
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ECO 2301 Microeconomics ECON 103
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ECO 2302 Macroeconomics ECON 311
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ECO 3301 International Trade ECON 390
Morocco Al Akhawayn University EGR 2301 Statics ME 211
Morocco Al Akhawayn University EGR 2302 01 Engineering Economics ME ----
Morocco Al Akhawayn University EGR 2311 01 Dynamics EGR ME 231
Morocco Al Akhawayn University EGR 3401 01 Statics for Engineers ME 212
Morocco Al Akhawayn University GEO 1301 Introduction to Geography GGS 103
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 3301 International History HIST 387
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 3311 - HIS 5312 Modern Algeria: From the Colonization to the Arab spring HIST 387
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HUM 5312 Popular Culture FAVS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INT 4302 SHSS Internship INTS 390
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 2320 Model United Nations GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 3304 International Security GOVT 347
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 3305 International Political Economy GOVT 343
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5307 Diplomacy: Theory and Practice GOVT 342
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5315 International Political Economy GOVT 343
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5352 Theories of Globalization GOVT 329
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 3310 North African Government and Politics GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 3312 Middle East Politics GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 3399 - PSC 5361 Religion and Politics GOVT 329
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 5350 - HUM 5368 Middle East Politics GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 5361 Religion and Politics GOVT 329
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 5370 North African Government and Politics GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University SSC 2401 L Introduction to Statistics STAT 250
Morocco Al Akhawayn University SSC 2401 Social Statistics STAT 250
Morocco Al Akhawayn University CHE 1401 02 General Chemistry I CHEM 211 + CHEM 213
Morocco Al Akhawayn University CHE 1402 01 General Chemistry II CHEM 212 + CHEM 214
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 1304 03 Discrete Mathematics for Engineering MATH 125
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 1305 01 Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Econmics, and Life and Social Sciences MATH 108
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 1311 03 Differential and Integral Calculus 1 MATH 113
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 1312 01 Integral Calculus (Calc II) MATH 114
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 1388 01 Introductory Mathematical Thinking MATH 106
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 2301 01 Multivariable Calculus sections 1 and 2 MATH 213
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 2303 01 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory MATH 203
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 2304 01 Differential Equations MATH 214
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 3301 01 Probability and Statistics MATH 351
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ACC 2301 Accounting Principles I ACCT 203
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ECO 2301 Microeconomics ECON 103
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ECO 3302 Economic Growth and Development ECON 360
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MGT 4310 Tourism and Hospitality Management TOUR 200
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 1304 Discrete Mathematics for Engineers MATH 125
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 2303 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory MATH 203
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PHYS 1401 Physics 1 PHYS 160 + PHYS 161
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PHY 1402 PHY 1402 Physics II PHYS 260 + PHYS 261
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ENG 2320 Creative Writing ENGH L396, HNRS 122
Morocco Al Akhawayn University GEO 1301 Introduction to Geography GGS 103
Morocco Al Akhawayn University GEO 2301 Economic Geography GGS L305
Morocco Al Akhawayn University GEO 2302 Political Geography GGS L301
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 2301 Theories of International Relations GOVT 322
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HUM2301 Islamic Art and Architecture ARTH 320, HNRS 122, RELI 237
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HUM3311 Women and Culture WMST 200, WMST 375, HNRS 130
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 2302 North Africa and the Middle East in the 20th Century GOVT 332
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 3307 Conflict Resolution in International Relations CONF 397, CONF 397, INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 3315 Religion in International Affairs SOCI 388
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MGT 3306 Conflict Management CONF 397
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MKT3301 Principles of Marketing MKTG 303
Morocco Al Akhawayn University GEO5311 Environment and Security INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 5328 Globalizations in History SOCI 120
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5307 Diplomatic Theory and Practice GOVT 342
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5351 Theories of War and Peace GOVT 444, GOVT 329
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5353 Peace Studies CONF 435
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5355 Regional Studies in Conflict Management and Resolution CONF 397
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 5356 International Aid, NGOs and Development INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 5305 Global Governance SOCI 120
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ARA 1312/1512 Beginning Arabic II ARAB 102
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC5350 Middle Eastern Politics GOVT 398, GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University EGR 3391 Principles of Management MGMT 303
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ARA 2311/2411 Intermediate Arabic I ARAB 201
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 3310 Contemporary Moroccan History HIST 387
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ARA2311-01 Intermediate Arabic I ARAB 201
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 1302 History of the Arab World HIST 282, INTS 399, INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HUM 2306 Comparative Religion RELI 100, HNRS 130
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 2301 Comparative Political Systems GOVT 133
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 3305 International Political Economy ECON ----
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 3312 Middle Eastern Politics GOVT 332, GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University GBU 4100 Professional Career Development INTS 399, INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSY 3302 Social/Organizational Psychology PSYC 333
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MGT 3301 Principles Of Management MGMT 303
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ENG 2302 Writing for Business INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University MTH 1301 Calculus 1 MATH 108
Morocco Al Akhawayn University 2310 01 International Economics ECON 390, INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University 3307 01 Conflict Resolution in International Relations INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HUM2302 the Study of Islamic Civilization GOVT 444, INTS 399, INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University 2301 Comparative Political Systems GOVT 444, GOVT 398, HNRS 130
Morocco Al Akhawayn University 1301 Principles of Sociology SOCI 101, INTS 299
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PHY 1401 General Physics I PHYS 160 + PHYS 161, PHYS 160 + PHYS 161
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PHY 1402 General Physics II PHYS 260 + PHYS 261
Morocco Al Akhawayn University CSC 1300 Introduction to Computers CS 100
Morocco Al Akhawayn University 1302 Drawing AVT 222
Morocco Al Akhawayn University 1401 Principles of Biology BIOL 103 + BIOL 105, BIOL 103, BIOL 103
Morocco Al Akhawayn University 1310 History and Culture of the Amazigh HIST L387
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HUM 2302 the Study of Islamic Societies HNRS 130
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HUM 1310 History and Berber Culture HNRS 130, INTS 299
Morocco Al Akhawayn University LIT2301 Major Works in World Literature FRLN 330
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 1301 History of the Arab World (English) HIST 282

Records 101 to 200 of 6511
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