Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4MEST001W Introduction to Contemporary Media Practice FAVS 255 + FAVS 2---
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5MEST002W Critical Perspectives on Media COMM 380
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4CINE004W Film Theory and Analysis: Hollywood and Genre THR 411, FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CINE005W Aesthetics of Television Drama FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4ELIT0011X London Theatre Studies THR 352
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5JRNL002W Media Law and Ethics COMM 387
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4CINE002W The Art of Cinema FAVS ----
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CINE002W Contemporary British Cinema and Television FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CINE003W Contemporary World Cinema THR 411
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4GPDS004W Visual Language and Communication COMM 366
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4JRNL002W News Features Comment: Reporting & Writing in a Multi-Platform World COMM 351
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5JRNL001W Pitch Produce Publish: Creating Modern Magazines COMM 387
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6JRNL003W Specialist Journalism 2 COMM 387
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4JRNL001W Introduction to Journalism COMM 203
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5TVPR003W Factual Television Production (Documentary and Multicamera Studio) FAVS 365
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5TVPR004W Television In The Twenty-First Century FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4TVPR007X Television in London INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Surrey MAT1034 LINEAR ALGEBRA MATH 322
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5JRNL006W Multimedia Storytelling and Production COMM 369, COMM 3---, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5JRNL007W Politics Journalism and the Media COMM 374, COMM 3---, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5BDIN001W Operations and Digital Business MBUS 306
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6BDIN002W Innovation & Creativity BUS ----
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6BDIN005W Project and Programme Management MBUS 306
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4ACCN001W Accounting and Finance Fundamentals MBUS 300
United Kingdom University of Leicester MA1061 Probability MATH 351
United Kingdom University of Leicester MA1114 Linear Algebra MATH 322
United Kingdom University of Leicester MA3153 Number Theory MATH 301
United Kingdom University of Leicester PS2111 Information Processing and Cognition PSYC 317
United Kingdom University of Leicester EC1001 Macroeconomics ECON 104
United Kingdom University of Leicester EC1000 Microeconomics ECON 103
United Kingdom University of Leicester MA2032 Calculus and Analysis 3 MATH 213
United Kingdom University of Kent FI315 Film Theory FAVS 204, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent SP641 Mental Health: Diagnosis, Interventions, and Treatments PSYC 325
United Kingdom University of Kent FI625 Microbudget Filmmaking FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia ECO-5007B INTERMEDIATE MACROECONOMICS ECON 311
United Kingdom University of East Anglia ECO-5006B THE EUROPEAN ECONOMY ECON ----
United Kingdom University of East Anglia ECO-5010B THE ECONOMICS OF CORPORATE FINANCE ECON 421
United Kingdom University of Kent FI622 Television Series: Narration, Engagement and Evaluation ENGH 371
United Kingdom University of Kent CP518 The Book and the Film: Adaptation and Interpretation FAVS 399, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent CB370 Introduction to Marketing MKTG 303
United Kingdom University of Kent CB312 Introduction to Management MGMT 303
United Kingdom University of Kent AC523 Principles of Finance FNAN 303
United Kingdom University of Kent SP311 Business Psychology: An Introduction PSYC 461
United Kingdom University of Kent SP853 The Psychology of Eyewitness Testimony PSYC 462
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 203 Interactive Media Production GAME 310 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University ELE 005 Defence Against the Dark Arts GAME 399
United Kingdom University of Kent FI585 Film Criticism FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent EN663 The Book Project ENGH L497
United Kingdom University of Kent FI632 TV: From Soap Operas to Sitcoms FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent CB751 Psychology of the Contemporary Workplace PSYC 333
United Kingdom University of East Anglia His 6090B Medieval Castles HNRS 240, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia His 5027B Conspiracy and Crisis in the Early Modern World HNRS 240, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia AMAH- 5049B Fake News-American Journalism and Practice HNRS 130, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia His 5070B Freedom-The History of a Dream HNRS 130, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia AMAH 5051B America in the World: History of U.S. Foreign Relations HNRS 131, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia His- 5050B Propaganda HNRS 131, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia HIS-4004B WITCHCRAFT, MAGIC AND BELIEF IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE HNRS 240, INTS 399
United Kingdom Abertay University ELE002 Games for Change GAME 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5BUSS005X Professional and Personal Skills Development INTS 390
United Kingdom University of Kent SP305 Introduction to Psychology PSYC 100
United Kingdom University of Kent CL369 Introduction to Roman Civilisation HIST 302
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 4ZSS0057 International Relations GOVT 322
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 4ZSS0084 Museum of London: Curating the City HIST 388, ARTH 398
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 4ZSS0141 Media, Gender & Culture INTS 399, COMM 465
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Drug Discovery GCH 494
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 4ZSS0117 Global Health & Social Justice GCH 406
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 5ZSS0161 Health and Society INTS 399
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Ancient Greek (Intensive Intermediate) GREE 160
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Introduction to Bioinformatics INTS 399
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 0ZSS0182 A Global History of Britain HIST 388
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 4ZSS0113 Secrets & Spies: Modern Espionage & Intelligence INTS 399
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Business and Management MBUS 305
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School International Human Rights Law GOVT 445
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Artificial Intelligence CS 2--
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 5ZSS0144 Terrorism and National Security INTS 399
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 0ZSS0170 Global Leadership INTS 399
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University POLITIC4172 Politics of Terror CRIM 475
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University SOCIO4108 MIGRATION, MULTICULTURALISM AND BELONGING ANTH 340
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University POLITIC4169 DEFENCE POLICY AND STRATEGY MAKING GOVT 346, GOVT 444
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University POLITIC4162 INTERGROUP CONFLICT AND RECONCILIATION INTS 399, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of East Anglia HIS-5050B Propaganda HNRS 240, INTS 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 307 Character Art Production GAME 399, GAME 398 + GAME 399
United Kingdom University of Surrey SOC3063 Hate Crime CRIM 325
United Kingdom University of Surrey SOC3068 CRIMINOLOGY OF PLEASURE CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Surrey SOC3055 Prisons and Prisoners CRIM 402
United Kingdom University of Surrey SOC2066 Crime and Technology CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Leicester CR2003 Sex and Violence CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Leicester CR3023 Gender and Crime CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Leicester CR2027 Punishment and Rehabilitation CRIM 402
United Kingdom University of Kent ART305 Encountering Kent HIST L388
United Kingdom University of Kent CLAS3660 Classical Mythology: Themes and Approaches to Ancient Greek CLAS 250
United Kingdom University of Kent HI410 Early Medieval Europe HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Kent HI411 Later Medieval Europe HIST 388
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University ECON1001 Economics 1A ECON 103
United Kingdom University of York ENG00104I The Age of Extremes: Twentieth-Century British & Irish Literature ENGH 202
United Kingdom University of York HIS00111I The World of Late Antiquity, c.300-c.650 HIST 388
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University POLITIC 4160 International Political Economy ECON 3--
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University POLITIC 4146 Comparative Public Opinion SOCI 320, GOVT 444, GOVT 398
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University SOCIO 4107 Contemporary Migration in Global Perspective ANTH 340
United Kingdom University of York ARC00002C Artefacts & Materials ANTH 325

Records 201 to 300 of 7167
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