Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Brazil Insper Consumer Behavior: Science and Practice MKTG 312
Brazil Insper Global Cities SOCI 332
Brazil Insper Sustainable Design INTS 399
Japan Hosei University Asian Popular Culture ANTH 396
Japan Hosei University Social Development and Sustainability 1 GOVT 329, GOVT 398
Japan Hosei University Social Psychology II PSYC 231
Germany Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Behavioural Economics PSYC 3---
Germany University of Mannheim Political Polarization GOVT 398
Germany University of Mannheim Other Worlds? Science Fiction and Fantasy in Film FAVS 3---
Australia Western Sydney University - Parramatta campus Introduction to Structural Engineering CEIE 311
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University International Security GOVT 347
Australia University of Canberra Performance Skills 1 THR 210
Australia University of Canberra Performance Skills 3 THR 320
Australia University of Canberra Performance Skills 2 THR 310
Australia University of Canberra Screen and TV Studies THR 410
Australia University of Canberra Production Theatre Skills THR 101
Australia University of Canberra Creativity and Culture: Truth and Ideation INTS 399
Belgium Howest University Platform Development 1 GAME 140, GAME 399
Cyprus University of Nicosia French Language and Culture II FREN 102
Japan Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Diplomatic History of Modern Japan 1 HIST 387
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 1 - Beginner SPAN 101, SPAN 115, SPAN 102, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 2 - Elementary SPAN 115, SPAN 324, SPAN 102, SPAN 101, SPAN 201, SPAN 202, SPAN 215
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 3 - Lower Intermediate SPAN 202, SPAN 201, SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 4 - Intermediate SPAN 202, SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 5 - Upper Intermediate SPAN 306, SPAN 305, SPAN 315, SPAN 301, SPAN 324, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 6 - Advanced SPAN 301, SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 7 - Upper Advanced SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 315, SPAN 301, SPAN 324, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 8 - Superior SPAN 315, SPAN 324, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 301, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 1 SPAN 101, SPAN 115, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 2 SPAN 115, SPAN 102, SPAN 201, SPAN 202, SPAN 215, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 3 SPAN 305, SPAN 202, SPAN 201, SPAN 215, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Social and Demographic Changes in Spain SOCI 308
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Internships: Service Learning & Community SPAN 490, INTS 399
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Internship Program in Educational Institutions SPAN 490
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Introduction to Business Spanish SPAN 336
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience History of Spain HNRS 240, HNRS 240
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Health Sciences and Public Health in Spain SPAN 400, INTS 399
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Sustainability in the Mediterranean INTS 399, EVPP 490, EVPP 490, GGS 307
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience History of Spain HIST 388
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience History of Art in Spain ARTH 303, ARTH 398, HNRS 240, SPAN 480
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Civilization and Culture ANTH 396, INTS 399
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Islamic Culture in Spain ANTH 396, RELI 312
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Latin American Civilization and Culture SPAN 466, INTS 399
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience The Political Systems of Spain and the European Union GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience The Diversity of Spanish Language in the World SPAN 385
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Environmental Politics of the European Union GOVT 444, GOVT 398, GGS 399
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience [Spring 2022: Mandatory course] Multilingual Europe and Spain: The sociopolitics of language FRLN 385, SPAN 323
Thailand Mahidol University International College Self Defense 1 INTS 399
Thailand Mahidol University International College Southeast Asian Women WMST 300
Thailand Mahidol University International College Southeast Asian Studies HIST L387
Germany University of Mannheim IDV 402 Intercultural Communication (Seminar) COMM 305
Italy Mason-Led: Florence Semester Experience at FUA [Spring 2022: Mandatory course] Renaissance Art in Florence ARTH 303, ARTH 398, ARTH 399
Germany University of Mannheim Comparative Law II: The Common/Civil Law Divide (Lecture) GOVT 329, GOVT 398
Germany University of Mannheim An Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States (Lecture) GOVT 329
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience _January Intensive Spanish: Level 9 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 301, SPAN 324, SPAN 351, SPAN 370
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 1 SPAN 102, SPAN 115, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 2 SPAN 201, SPAN 202, SPAN 215, SPAN 324, SPAN 301
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 3 SPAN 202, SPAN 306, SPAN 215, SPAN 301, SPAN 305, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 4 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 4 SPAN 315, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 305, SPAN 351
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 5 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351, SPAN 370
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 5 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 301, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 6 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351, SPAN 370
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 6 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 301, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 7 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351, SPAN 370
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 7 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 301, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 8 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351, SPAN 370, SPAN 452
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 8 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 301, SPAN 324
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Speaking and Writing Skills (Producción oral y escrita): Level 9 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 324, SPAN 351, SPAN 370, SPAN 452
Spain Mason-Led: Granada Semester Experience Spanish Grammar (Nociones de gramática española) - Level 9 SPAN 315, SPAN 305, SPAN 306, SPAN 301, SPAN 324
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Organisational Behaviour Management PSYC 3---
United Kingdom University of Leicester Sociology of Fashion SOCI 3__
United Kingdom University of Leicester Football and Society SOCI 3__
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Buddhist Mindfulness and Care RELI 315
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Challenges for a Global Energy Transition in a Fossil World INTS 399
Taiwan National Taiwan University Electromangetics PHYS 305
Taiwan National Taiwan University Thermodynamics PHYS 307
Germany Goethe - University Frankfurt Political Obedience and Disobedience SOCI 307
Germany University of Mannheim Law and Economics ECON 415
Germany University of Mannheim Data Protection Law GOVT 444, GOVT 398
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School London’s Cityscape and London Life INTS 399
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Media, Gender, and Culture COMM 465
Japan Waseda University Kanji (For Nonnative Kanji Learners) 2B (Japanese course for international students) JAPA 2--
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Difficult settings: Preparing for Fieldwork and Adjustment to Global Covid Challenges INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Difficult Setting; preparing for Fieldwork INTS 399
Taiwan National Taiwan University Solid State Physics PHYS 412
Brazil Insper Advanced organizational analysis past present and future INTS 399
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid International economics: economic integration ECON 390, ECON 390
Taiwan National Taiwan University International Companions for Learning INTS 399
Taiwan National Taiwan University NTU General Chinese Language Elementary II CHIN 102
Japan Waseda University English Education in Japan INTS 399
Japan Waseda University Look up and learn intermediate-level kanji 4 (Japanese course for International Student) JAPA 440
Brazil Insper international money, banking and future markets FNAN ---
Brazil Insper Advanced organizational analyis GOVT 329, GOVT 398
Brazil Insper Advanced organizational analysis MGMT 441
Italy External - Florence University of the Arts [Spring 2022: Mandatory course] Renaissance Art in Florence ARTH 303, ARTH 398, ARTH 399
Chile External - TFAS Santiago TFAS Santiago ECON 100
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School English Law & The Development of a Global Legal System CRIM 490
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Psychology: The Mind & Body PSYC 461
Japan Waseda University Advanced Topics in Financial Accounting ACCT ---

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