Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School ECO2102 Microeconomics ECON 103
Thailand Mahidol University International College ICMB 202 Microeconomics ECON 103
Italy LUISS Guido Carli University TDS01 Microeconomics ECON 306
Korea, South Yonsei University ECO2102 Microeconomics ECON 306
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 13746/13155/13639 Microeconomics ECON 103, ECON 306
Germany Goethe - University Frankfurt BMIK Microeconomics 1 ECON 306
Germany Goethe - University Frankfurt PMIK Microeconomics 2 ECON 3---
Japan Waseda University ECNT211L Microeconomics A [E] 01 ECON 306
Japan Waseda University ECNT211L Microeconomics A [E] 02 ECON 306
Australia Griffith University - Nathan campus 2314AFE Microeconomics Analysis ECON 103
Ireland University of Galway EC3101 Microeconomics and Public Policy ECON 306
United Kingdom University of York ECO00013C Microeconomics I ECON 103
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 27415 Microeconomics II ECON 103
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 27424 Microeconomics IV ECON 412
Cyprus University of Nicosia IREL 370 Middle East Politics GOVT 332
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 3312 Middle East Politics GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 5350 - HUM 5368 Middle East Politics GOVT 444
France Sciences Po - Paris campus DHUM 25A03 MIDDLE EASTERN CINEMA AND POLITICS GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC5350 Middle Eastern Politics GOVT 398, GOVT 444
Morocco Al Akhawayn University PSC 3312 Middle Eastern Politics GOVT 332, GOVT 444
New Zealand Massey University - Auckland (Albany) campus 200.201 Middle Eastern Politics GOVT 332 + GOVT 398
New Zealand Massey University - Palmerston North (Manawatu) campus 200.201 Middle Eastern Politics GOVT 332 + GOVT 398
United States External - SIT School of International Training LACB3005 Migration and Borders in a Globalized World GLOA 480
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam AM_470813 Migration, culture, health and research GCH 494
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2550LHS Migration, Diversity and Social Justice INTS 399
Australia University of South Australia HUMS2038 Migration, Diversity, and Belonging INTS 399
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas POL 3220 Migration, globalization and social change INTS 399
United Kingdom University of York SPY00053H Migration, Immigration & Social Policy GOVT 444, GOVT 398
United Kingdom External - Glasgow University SOCIO4108 MIGRATION, MULTICULTURALISM AND BELONGING ANTH 340
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) Fu-Best 34 Migration: Dynamics and Controversies in Europe and Berlin GOVT 444
France Université Paris I Dauphine 0IELSY14 Migrations in Globalization GLOA 480, , HIST 125
France Université Paris I Dauphine 0ISSLY11 Migrations in globalization -2024 GLOA 480
Turkey Sabanci University PSY201 Mind & Behavior PSYC 100
Australia Curtin University GEOL2003 Mineralogy and Geochemistry GEOL 315
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam L_ETBAALG008 Minor English: English in my own Discipline INTS 399
Japan Waseda University LAWG281L Minorities and the Law in the United States 01 CRIM 490
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 15761 Mobile Devices Security CYSE 499
Morocco Al Akhawayn University INS 2320 Model United Nations GOVT 444
Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito REL 3408E Model United Nations GOVT 444
United Kingdom University of York MAT00057H Modelling with MATLAB MATH 3---
Ireland University of Galway ENG302.E Moderism/Postmodernism INTS 399
Morocco Al Akhawayn University HIS 3311 - HIS 5312 Modern Algeria: From the Colonization to the Arab spring HIST 387
Cyprus University of Nicosia ART-384 Modern and Contemporary Art ARTH 374
Korea, South Yonsei University IEE3600 Modern and Contemporary Korean Art ARTH 303
Japan Waseda University 26M0351003 Modern and Contemporary Philosophy PHIL 303
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4FIAR007X Modern Art in London ARTH 374
Korea, South Yonsei University IVHB315 Modern China HIST 387
Korea, South Yonsei University IVBH315 MODERN CHINA HIST 387
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong CCSS 2030 Modern Chinese Literature CHIN 311
Malta University of Malta ART 2011 Modern Contemporary Art ARTH 398
Japan Hosei University A8508 Modern Contemporary History HIST 356
China Tsinghua University 30220363 Modern Control Systems OSCM 352
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 27844 Modern English INTS 399
Australia Western Sydney University - Penrith campus 102000.1 Modern European History and Politics HIST L388
Cyprus University of Nicosia EUS 103 Modern European History and Politics GOVT 334, GOVT 444, GOVT 334
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) FUBEST8 Modern German History in European Contexts: A Thematic Approach GERM 301, HIST 314
United Kingdom University of York ENG00032H Modern Irish Poetry Pending For Approval
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University 27265 Modern Japanese Culture CULT 390
Japan Hosei University A6304 Modern Japanese Fiction in Translation JAPA 340
Japan Waseda University LITJ361L Modern Japanese Fiction in Translation JAPA 340
Japan Waseda University LITJ361L Modern Japanese Fiction in Translation - 2023 JAPA 340
Australia Western Sydney University - Parramatta campus 100271.3 Modern Japanese History HIST 356
Japan Doshisha University 12001216 Modern Japanese History HIST 356
Korea, South Yonsei University IEE 3108 Modern Korean History HIST 387
Korea, South Yonsei University IEE3108 Modern Korean History HIST 387, KORE 311
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School IEE3108 Modern Korean History HIST 387
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School MODERN KOREAN LITERATURE KORE 311
Korea, South Yonsei University UIC 3611 MODERN KOREAN LITERATURE KORE 311
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam W_BA_MOEN Modern Philosophy PHIL 303
Turkey Sabanci University PHYS 211 Modern Physics PHYS 308
Korea, South Yonsei University UCL 1205-05 Modern Society and Mental Health HEAL 220
Ireland Dublin City University PHY1026 Modern Technology INTS 399
Multiple External - Semester at Sea E 332 Modern Women Writers INTS 399, ENGH 202
United Kingdom University of Surrey ELI2032 Modernism ENGH ----
United Kingdom University of York ENG00083H Modernism & Technology ENGH 309
United Kingdom University of York ENG00088H Modernism's Queer Spaces Pending For Approval
Sweden Linnaeus University - Kalmar campus 1MP170 Mojo - mobile journalism COMM L397
United Kingdom University of Leicester BS3055 Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience NEUR 327
Ireland University of Galway BO201 Molecular and Cellular Biology BIOL 103
United Kingdom University of Kent BIOS3020 Molecular and Cellular Biology I BIOL 103
Thailand Mahidol University International College ICBI 308 Molecular Biology BIOL 3---, BIOL 3--
United Kingdom University of East Anglia BIO5003B Molecular Biology BIOL 3---
Australia Griffith University - Nathan campus 2012 NSC Molecular Biology BIOL 482
Thailand Mahidol University International College ICBI 308 Molecular Biology 2024 BIOL 435
Japan Waseda University BIOX221L Molecular Biology 51 BIOL 103, BIOL ----
United Kingdom Abertay University LSC201 Molecular Biology and Genetics FRSC 325
United Kingdom University of East Anglia BIO-4018A Molecular Biology and Genetics BIOL 3---
Australia University of New South Wales BABS3121 Molecular Biology of Nucleic Acids BIOL 3---
Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong BMS2201 Molecular Biology of the Cell BIOL 102, BIOL ----
Australia Griffith University - Nathan campus 3001NSC Molecular Cell Biology BIOL 484
Japan Soka University BIOI454 Molecular Cell Biology BIOL 3---
Japan Waseda University BIOX24ZL Molecular Cell Biology A BIOL 3---
New Zealand Massey University - Auckland (Albany) campus 196.318 Molecular Ecology BIOL 3---
United Kingdom University of East Anglia BIO-6001A Molecular Enzymology in Biology and Medicine BIOL 3---, BIOL 3--
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2000MSC Molecular Genetics BIOL 3---
United Kingdom University of York CHE00016I Molecules in Action CHEM 3--
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 13664 Monetary and financial economics ECON 310

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