Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Italy Mason-Led: Florence Semester Experience at FUA ARTH 303 ARTH 303 National Traditions - 3 Credits (CRN 19850) ARTH 303
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 13883 Artificial Intelligence CS 3--- , CS 480
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Artificial Intelligence CS 2--
Turkey Sabanci University CS 404 Artificial Intelligence CS 480
Japan Akita International University DGT330 Artificial Intelligence and Humanity PHIL 241
Italy LUISS Guido Carli University TDS15 Artificial intelligence and machine learning INTS 399
Brazil Insper Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making OSCM 491
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 10285 Artificial Intelligence for Humanities FAVS ----
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 17640 Artificial intelligence in business Pending For Approval
Japan Hosei University Arts and Society INTS 399, SOCI 377
Korea, South Yonsei University IEE3597 Arts of Asia ARTH 203
Italy American University of Rome Summer School AH 103 Arts of Renaissance and Baroque ARTH 303, ARTH 398
Netherlands Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication CC1021 Arts, Culture and Media INTS 399
Thailand Mahidol University International College ICIR 302 ASEAN and Southeast Asian Regionalism GOVT 398, GOVT 444
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School IEE2042 ASIAN AMERICAN LITERATURE 2024 ENGH 352
Korea, South Yonsei University YCD1653 Asian Cinemas KORE 321
Japan Doshisha University 12001215 Asian Civilizations HIST L387
Italy LUISS Guido Carli University T085 Asian culture and politics KORE 300
Australia Curtin University COMS2001 Asian Media in Transition COMM L396
Japan Akita International University PHI160 Asian Philosophy RELI 212
Japan Aoyama Gakuin University 26228 Asian Politics GOVT 341
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School IEE1169 ASIAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY GOVT 333
Japan Hosei University Asian Popular Culture ANTH 396
Australia Curtin University ASIA2004 Asian Religion and Philosophy RELI 211
Italy LUISS Guido Carli University SKN Asian studies HIST 387
Germany University of Mannheim ANG 313 Asian-American Literature ENGH 352
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 3320 Asia-Pacific Economies ECON ---
United Kingdom University of York POL00006C Aspects of Democratic Politics GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Greece External - AIFS: The American College of Greece AH 2027 ASPECTS OF GREEK ART IN ATHENS ARTH 321, ARTH 398
United Kingdom University of York POL00005C Aspects of International Politics GOVT 444, GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of York POL00007C Aspects of Political Theory GOVT 398
Malta University of Malta SPA1021 Aspects of Spanish Lang & Grammar 2 SPAN 202
Italy LUISS Guido Carli University M334 Asset Management FNAN 311
Germany Frankfurt School of Finance & Management FIN60603 Asset Management FNAN 411
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam E_IBK3_AP Asset Pricing Pending For Approval
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 13199 Asset Valuation FNAN 311
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 13776 Asset valuation and selection FNAN 444
Sweden Linnaeus University - Växjö campus 1LI108 Astrid Lindgren's works INTS 399
Australia Curtin University ATOC2000 Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences GGS 121, INTS 299
United Kingdom University of York CHE00031H Atmospheric Chemistry CHEM 438
Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito INA 3081E Atmospheric Monitoring GGS 309
Japan Sophia University PHY618-75j00 ATOMIC & MOLECULAR SCIENCES INTS 399
Australia Central Queensland University - Rockhampton campus CHEM11043 Atoms, Molecules and Matter CHEM 101
United Kingdom University of York ELE00024C Audio Technology INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam S_AVA AudioVisual Anthropology ANTH 399
Spain Universidad Francisco de Vitoria 3029 Audiovisual Documentation HNRS 122
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 25112 Audiovisual Language and Image FAVS 3---
United Kingdom University of Surrey MAN3243 Auditing Pending For Approval
United Kingdom University of Surrey MAN3098 Auditing (Accredited) Pending For Approval
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 13762 Auditing financial statements Pending For Approval
Cyprus University of Nicosia MUSP-101 Aural Skills I MUSI 113
Japan Waseda University LANJ101L Aural-Oral: Practicing Daily Conversation and Usage 2 (Japanese course for International Student) JAPA 3--
Australia Griffith University - Nathan campus 2101LHS Australia and the World HNRS 240
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2101LHS Australia and the world 1788 to the present INTS 399
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2101LHS Australia and the World: 1788 to the Present HIST 387
Australia University of South Australia POLI 2003 Australia in the Asian Century INTS 399
Australia University of South Australia POLI-2003 Australia in the Asian Century INTS 399
Australia University of Technology Sydney 92282 Australian Health Care System Pending For Approval
Australia University of New South Wales LAWS3183 Australian Journal of Human Rights - 2024 GOVT 398
Australia University of New South Wales 2818 Australian Politics GOVT 329, GOVT 398
Australia University of South Australia POLI1013 Australian Politics, Civics, & Citizenship GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Australia Curtin University HERI2002 Australian Studies INTS 399, ANTH 330
Australia Curtin University HERI2002 Australian Studies ANTH 330
Australia Curtin University HIST3003 Australians at War HIST 387, HNRS 130
Australia University of New South Wales BIOS1501 Australia's Unique and Deadly Animals and Plants BIOL 3--
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid B1.1 B1.1 Program Alumno INTS 299
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid B1.1 B1.1 Program Alumno 2024 SPAN 202
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam XB_40001 Bachelor Project Computer Science CS ----
Netherlands Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication CH3079 Bachelor Thesis Class Maritime history and overseas contacts in the 19th and 20th century HIST 387
Switzerland University of Fribourg L0430125 BA-Coursiles Religions d'Asie RELI 212
Germany University of Mannheim ANG 313 'Bad' Mothers in American Literature Pending For Approval
Korea, South Yonsei University UCL 1111-03 Badminton RECR 151
Korea, South Yonsei University UCL1111 Badminton RECR 144
Italy External - Florence University of the Arts FWBPBT320 Baking Techniques I INTS 299
Australia University of South Australia 011944 BANK 3004 Pending For Approval
Australia University of New South Wales FINS3630 Bank Financial Management FNAN 321
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Bank Management ECON 310
France Université Paris I Dauphine 4MFCEZ61 Banking and Financial Intermediation FNAN 321
United Kingdom University of Surrey MAN3124 Banking and Money Pending For Approval
Italy American University of Rome Summer School AH 301 Baroque Rome and Italy ARTH 303, ARTH 398
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 25318 Bases Culturales de la Comunicacion Historia del Cine: Audiovisuales COMM 396
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 25319 Bases Culturales de la Comunicacion Historia del Cine: Geografia y Medio Ambiente COMM 433
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 1420 Basic Banking and Finance ECON 310
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong STAT 2001 Basic Concepts in Statistics and Probability I STAT 344
Turkey Sabanci University NS 213 Basic Concepts of Physics for Scientists and Engineers Phys 243
Korea, South Yonsei University IID1005-01 -00 Basic Drawing 2 AVT 323
Thailand Mahidol University International College ICBI 303 Basic Immunology BIOL 452
Japan Soka University GJLC 15 Basic Japanese JAPA 110
Japan Doshisha University 12001111-001 Basic Japanese - 1 JAPA 101
Korea, South Yonsei University IEE1012-01-00 Basic Korean II KORE 102
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 2021 Basic Macroeconomics ECON 104
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 2011 Basic Microeconomics ECON 103
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FAAS 2208 Basic Photography AVT 252
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School IEE4016 Basic Principles of U.S. Law CRIM 485, CRIM 490
Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong SS1101 Basic Psychology PSYC L461
Taiwan External - National Sun Yat-sen University N/A Basic Reading II CHIN 475, GLOA 599, GLOA 599
Japan Hosei University K5366 Basic Science for Global Environment B Pending For Approval
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ARA1201 Basic Standard Arabic ARAB 101
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas SPN 101 Básico 1: Gramática y conversación INTS 299
Costa Rica Universidad Veritas SPN 102 Básico 2: Gramática y conversación INTS 299

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