Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong CURE1123 World Religions RELI 100
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MKTG 3030 Integrated Marketing Communication MKTG 313
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 3580 Global Enterprise Management MGMT 461
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 4570 Global Entrepreneurship MGMT 451
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong BIOL 3630 Animal Physiology INTS 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong PSYC 1000 General Psychology PSYC 100
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong PSYC 2020 Experimental Design PSYC 201T
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong PSYC 2240 Sensation and Perception PSYC 309
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong PSYC 2620 Social Psychology PSYC 231
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MATH 1030 Linear Algebra I MATH 203
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong PSYC 3700 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 325
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 1010 Humans and Culture INTS 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MATH 2040 Linear Algebra II MATH 322
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 1020 Anthropology: The Study of Cultures ANTH 114
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 1100 Understanding Anthropology ANTH 396
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong STAT 1011 Introduction to Statistics STAT 250
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong SPAN 1000 Spanish I SPAN 101
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong KORE2001 Korean III KORE 201
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 1310 Marriage, Family and Kinship ANTH 396
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 1410 Culture of Hong Kong ANTH 396
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 2310 Gender and Culture ANTH 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 2321 From Madness to Mental Health ANTH 396
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 2351 Death, Death Ritual and Culture ANTH 396
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 2450 Peoples and Cultures of Southeast Asia ANTH 330
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 3350 Food and Culture ANTH 376
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 2370 Intangible Heritage in Hong Kong ANTH 400
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ANTH 3360 The Anthropology of the Body, Love and Emotions ANTH 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong BIOL 4310 Human Genetics BIOL 3---
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong CCSS 2002 Global China GOVT 398
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong CCSS 2030 Modern Chinese Literature CHIN 311
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong CCSS 2120 Chinese Family and Marriage CHIN 470
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong CHEM 1070 Principles of Modern Chemistry CHEM 101
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 1110 Media and Everyday Life COMM 202
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 1150 Introduction to Media Industries and Practices COMM L396
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2210 News and Society COMM L396 + COMM L387
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2300 Sound and Creative Media FAVS 333
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2710 Fundamentals in Visual Media FAVS ----
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2733 Radio Production COMM L354
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2920 Media, Sex and Violence COMM L396
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2925 Principles of Editing in Creative Media FAVS 3---
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2928 Art Direction FAVS ----
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2930 Understanding Movies FAVS 304
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 2932 Film Genres: Love, Death and Laughs FAVS ----
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 3191 Film, Television and Hong Kong Culture FAVS 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 3700 Intercultural Communication COMM 305
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong COMM 3711 Script Writing and Screenplay FAVS 280
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 1010 Perspectives in Economics ECON 100
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 2011 Basic Microeconomics ECON 103
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 2021 Basic Macroeconomics ECON 104
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 3121 Introductory Econometrics ECON 345
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 3160 Game Theory ECON 412
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ECON 3250 Chinese Economy: Heritage and Change ECON ----
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ENSC 2270 Introduction to Environmental Science EVPP 112
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong ENSC 3520 Environmental and Biochemical Toxicology INTS 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FAAS 1100 Drawing Fundamentals AVT 222
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FAAS 1140 Fundamentals of 3-Dimensional Forming AVT 105
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FAAS 2208 Basic Photography AVT 252
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong DSME 2051 Business Information Systems MIS 303
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FINA 3060 Real Estate Finance and Investment FNAN 451
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FINA 3070 Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice FNAN 311
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FINA 3080 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management FNAN 411
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FINA 4020 Fund Management and Asset Allocation FNAN 311
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FINA 4110 Options and Futures FNAN 412
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FINA 4120 Fixed Income Securities Analysis FNAN 432
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong FNSC 3010 Nutrition and Human Development NUTR 422, NUTR 295
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GDRS 1002 Feminist Theories WMST 330
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GDRS 3004 Love and Intimate Relationship SOCI 309
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GDRS 3007 Understanding Masculinities and Social Change WMST 300
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GDRS 3008 Public Policy and Social Minorities in Hong Kong GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GDRS 3021 LGBTQI+ Studies: Identities and social change WMST 208
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GDRS 3025 Innovating the Future: Gender, Science and Technology WMST 300
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GLSD 1001 Introduction to Global Studies I GOVT ----
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GPAD 1030 Fundamentals of Public Administration GOVT 351
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GPAD 2300 Understanding Human Rights GOVT 445, INTS 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GPAD 3040 Democratization GOVT 434, GOVT 398
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GPAD 3161 The Rise of Populism in Europe GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong GPAD 3220 Politics of Space GOVT 398
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HIST 1002 Tradition and Transformation in Western History HIST 100
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HIST 2101 History of Qin-Han China HIST 387
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HIST 2220 Revolution and Modernization in Twentieth-Century China HIST 387
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HIST 2390 History of Korea HIST 387
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HIST 3106 Regional Cultures in Han China HIST 387
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HIST 3331 History of Modern Britain HIST 388
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HIST 3375 The Philippines and Trans Pacific Connections HIST 387
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong HTMG 3010 Management of Lodging Facilities TOUR 301
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong LING 2004 Phonology I LING 490
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong LING 2005 Syntax I LING 486
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MATH 4240 Stochastic Processes MATH 442
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 1020 Management MGMT L303
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 2040 Managing Human Capital MGMT 321
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 2510 Introduction to International Business BUS 200
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 2611 Business Sustainability BUS 491
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 4010 Strategic Management MGMT 471
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MGNT 4510 China Business INTS 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MKTG 3010 Marketing Research MKTG 351
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MKTG 3020 Consumer Behaviour MKTG 312
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MKTG 4030 Service Marketing MKTG ---
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MKTG 4070 Marketing in China INTS 399
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MKTG 4080 Digital Marketing MKTG 315
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong MKTG 4090 Marketing Analytics MKTG 352

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