Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 5ZSS0161 Public Health GCH 300
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Politics and the Media INTS 399, COMM 327, INTS 399
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 4ZSS0162 War and Diplomacy GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Kent DR659 Acting Shakespeare THR 321
United Kingdom University of Kent DR347 Ancient Greek Theater THR 352
United Kingdom University of Kent Reading and Writing the Everyday ENG 396
United Kingdom University of Kent Narrative Theory and Practice ENG 398
United Kingdom University of Kent Reading and Writing the Innovative Contemporary Novel ENG 497
United Kingdom University of Kent ARTS5030 Costume and Fashion THR 332
United Kingdom University of Kent FI531 Post War American Cinema FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent GE238 Post 1989 German Cinema FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent IT548 Italian Cinema and Literature FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent HA354 Exploring Art History ARTH 101
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6PIRS002W American Power in a Multi-Polar World GOVT 346 + GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6PIRS009W Gender and Politics GOVT 414 + GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6PIRS009W Security and the Surveillance State GOVT 444 + GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6PIRS017W Social and Political Movements in a Globalising World GOVT 329 + GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6PIRS019W Oil, Globalisation and Development in the Middle East and Central Asia GOVT 339 + GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6PIRS013W Post Colonial Politics and International Relations GOVT 444 + GOVT 398, GOVT 444, GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CRIM003W Race, Crime and Justice CRIM 307, CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CRIM004W Gender, Crime and Justice CRIM 307, CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4CRIM002W Justice and Human Rights CRIM 308
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6CRIM007W Issues in State Crime CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CRIM002W Globalisation, Crime and Control CRIM 485, CRIM 490
United Kingdom University of Westminster Contemporary British Television and Cinema FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4FIAR007X Modern Art in London ARTH 374
United Kingdom University of Westminster Shakespeare and Preformance THR 321, INTS 399, ENGH 202
United Kingdom University of Westminster Satire and the City THR 352
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6HIST003W The Cinema as a Source for Historians THR 352
United Kingdom University of Westminster London Theatre Studies THR 359
United Kingdom University of Kent SS546 Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology SPMT 320
United Kingdom Abertay University SPS201 Psychology for Sport and Exercise SPMT 320
United Kingdom University of Kent HI435 A Global History of Empires: 1500-1850 HIST L387
United Kingdom Abertay University LSC101 Biology 1: Biology Principles and Practice BIOL 103 + BIOL 105
United Kingdom Abertay University ANF202 Business Analytics BUS 210
United Kingdom Abertay University CRM101 Crime and Punishment CRIM 210
United Kingdom Abertay University PSY205 Cognitive and Social Perspectives on Psychology PSYC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR101 Foundations of Chemistry 1 CHEM ----
United Kingdom Abertay University FOD101 Fundamentals of Nutrition NUTR 295
United Kingdom Abertay University ENV101 Introduction to Environmental Sciences EVPP 108
United Kingdom Abertay University PSY101 Introductory Psychology PSYC 100
United Kingdom Abertay University ART104 3D Visualization INTS 295
United Kingdom University of East Anglia HIS-4006B THE AGE OF EXTREMES: EUROPE 1918 - 2001 HIST 388
United Kingdom Abertay University PSY101/PSY102 Introductory Psychology 1&2 PSYC 100
United Kingdom University of Surrey PSY1018 Developmental Psychology with Research Methods PSYC 211
United Kingdom University of Surrey PSY1019 Social Psychology with Research Methods PSYC 231
United Kingdom University of Surrey PSY1017 Cognitive Psychology with Research Methods PSYC 317
United Kingdom University of Surrey BMS1049 BIOCHEMISTRY: THE MOLECULES OF LIFE CHEM 3---
United Kingdom University of Surrey BMS1049 BIOCHEMISTRY: THE MOLECULES OF LIFE 1 CHEM ----
United Kingdom University of Surrey BMS1041 BIOCHEMISTRY - A CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW 2 CHEM 463
United Kingdom University of Surrey BMS2035 Biochemistry - Enzymes and Metabolism CHEM 3---
United Kingdom University of Surrey BMS2048 NEUROSCIENCE, FROM NEURONES TO BEHAVIOUR NEUR 3---
United Kingdom University of Surrey BMS3064 NEUROSCIENCE: FROM MOLECULES TO MIND NEUR 461
United Kingdom University of Surrey BMS3073 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES GCH 412
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6ELIT005W Issues in Culture INTS 399, INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5HIST002W New Liberals to New Labour: British Politics 1906- 2010 HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5HIST004W Jack the Ripper: Myth, Reality, Culture and Popular History HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4LING001W Exploring Language LING 306, ANTH 380
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5LING002W Language Structure and Meaning LING 499
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5HIST005W Civil War to Civil Rights: Race, Society and Politics in the USA 1850-1970 HIST 389
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5HIST009W A Sexual History of London WMST 300
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6HIST002W The End of History? Crisis and Conflict since the Cold War CONF 397
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6HIST005W The Troubles: Britain and Northern Ireland 1968- 1998 HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6HIST008W Transatlantic Feminisms: The Women's Movement in Twentieth-Century Britain and Canada HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6HIST009W "Don't Mention the War!" Britain and Germany since 1945 HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4CREW003X Writing London ENGH ----, ENGH L497
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4ELIT010X Art and Society ARTH 303, ARTH 303
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4ELIT011X London Theatre Studies THR 352
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4CHIN001W The Chinese World and the Word 1 CHIN 101
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CHIN001W Expressions of Chinese Culture 1 CHIN 201
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6CHIN001W Themes in Contemporary Chinese Studies CHIN 300
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4FRNC001W The French World and the Word 1 FREN 102
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5FRNC001W Expressions of French Culture 1 FREN 202
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6FRNC001W Themes in Contemporary French and Francophone Studies FREN 202
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6LANS005W Dreaming the Same Dream? Concepts of Happiness Across Cultures ANTH 396
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4ENGL004W Language Myths LING 499
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6ENGL003W Language and Power LING 450
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5LING003W Child Language Acquisition LING 480
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4HIST006W The Blitz: Image, Impact, Legacy 1940-1951 HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6HIST004W Divided Society: A Social History of Britain in the Twentieth Century HIST 388
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CHIN002W Expressions of Chinese Culture 2 CHIN 202
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4FRNC002W The French World and the Word 2 FREN 101
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5FRNC002W Expressions of French Culture 2 FREN 201
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4LANS005W Objects and Meaning: World Cultures in London Galleries and Museums INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5LANS006W Complex Narratives: Representation, Meaning and Identity INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6LANS004W Gender Matters: Femininities, Masculinities and Trans-Cultural Practice WMST 408
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5BUIL004X Design Project 1 (Design 4) for Study Abroad and Exchange students CEIE 3---
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5BUIL007X Design Project 2 (Design 5) for Study Abroad and Exchange Students CEIE 3---
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4PLAN002W Contemporary Issues in Designing Cities INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4ARCH008W CC1: A History of Architecture ARTH 103
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4ARCH009W TS1: Introduction to Technical Studies CEIE 3---
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5ARCH009W DES2A: Design and the Environment INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5ARCH004W Studies in Design 3: Culture and Alteration INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5ARCH006W CC2: Architectural History & Urbanism INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5PLAN003W London’s City Regeneration GGS 3---
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4EVMN001W Understanding Events TOUR 220
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5EVMN001W Marketing Tourism and Events tour 412
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5TOUR003W Heritage Tourism tour 352
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6EVMN003W Event Design and Technology tour 313
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5ARCH007W Time-based Media: Film FAVS 255

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