Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Cyprus University of Nicosia HIST-202 World History Since 1500 HIST 125
Australia University of South Australia HUMS 1055 World History Trends and Transformations HIST 125
Malta University of Malta World History: From Early Societies to 1500 HIST L387
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School UIC1551 World History: Group II HIST L387
Cyprus University of Nicosia LALI-310 World Literature in English ENGH 309
United Kingdom University of Kent CPLT3250 World Literature: An Introduction INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent CPLT3250 World Literature:An Introduction ENGH 202
Australia University of South Australia 106150 World Literatures and English ENGH 367
Australia Western Sydney University - Penrith campus 102762.1 World Music Pending For Approval
Cyprus University of Nicosia MUCT-245 World Music INTS 299, MUSI 103
Malta University of Malta MSP1263 World Music Theories INTS 399
Australia Western Sydney University - Penrith campus 201000.1 World of Sport Business SPMT 440
Germany Goethe - University Frankfurt World Order and Disorder GLOA 480
Germany Goethe - University Frankfurt World Order and Disorder - Einzelansicht GLOA 480
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 16620 World Politics GOVT 132
France Sciences Po - Paris campus WORLD POLITICS GOVT 444
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 16620 World Politics GOVT 132
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong CURE1123 World Religions RELI 100
Multiple External - Semester at Sea PHIL 174 World Religions (Section 1) INTS 399
Korea, South External - Pusan National University GS35780 World Religions and Cultures RELI 100
Japan Doshisha University 12001211 World, Youth, and Pop Culture SOCI 3___
Turkey External - Andrews University - Life Origins, Civilizations & Faith in Turkey and Egypt HIST 110 Worldviews, Cultures, and Gods HIST 101
Japan Waseda University LANJ201L Write Your Own History 4-6 (Japanese course for International Student) JAPA 441
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 14360 Writing and Communication Skills 2025 INTS 299
Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito ENG 1001E Writing and Rhetoric ENGH ----
Australia Western Sydney University - Penrith campus 101920.2 Writing Ecologies ENGH ----
United Kingdom University of York ENG00018H Writing Eighteenth-Century London Pending For Approval
Australia Western Sydney University - Parramatta campus 100896.3 Writing Fiction ENGH L398
Morocco Al Akhawayn University ENG 2302 Writing for Business INTS 399
Italy Mason-Led: Florence Semester Experience at FUA CPJLWM250 Writing for Digital Media section 201 COMM L387
United Kingdom University of Kent DRAM5000 Writing for Performance THR 380
United Kingdom University of Kent LL530 Writing in the Media: A Practical Approach COMM 387
United Kingdom University of Westminster 6CREW004W Writing Life INTS 399, ENGH 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4CREW003X Writing London ENGH ----, ENGH L497
Australia Curtin University CWRI2001 Writing Poetry ENGH L397
New Zealand Massey University - Palmerston North (Manawatu) campus 139229 Writing Poetry ENGH L397
Italy American University of Rome Summer School ENG 203 WRITING ROME ENGH L396
United Kingdom External - CEA Wrongful Convictions & Human Rights in London LNDN PSCI 3121 Wrongful Conviction GOVT 329, GOVT 398
Peru EdOdyssey Study Abroad in Lima LIT-244 XXI CENTURY’S PERUVIAN LITERATURE SPAN 480
Korea, South Yonsei University UCL 1121-03 Yoga RECR 186
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4HMDS001W Yoga and Meditation RECR 186
Australia University of New South Wales CRIM2038 Young People and Juvenile Justice CRIM 302
United Kingdom University of Leicester CR 2025 Youth Crime and Justice CRIM 302
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 3015CCJ Youth Justice CRIM 302
United Kingdom University of York SPY00021H Youth Justice CRIM 302
United Kingdom University of Surrey SOC3057 Youth, Crime and Control CRIM 302
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5CRIM005W Youth, Crime and Justice CRIM 302
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2022CCJ Youth, Crime and Justice CRIM 302, CRIM 485
Australia Griffith University - Nathan campus 2303ENV Zoology BIOL 331
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 実習・日本の伝統文化1(Traditional Japanese Arts 1) INTS 299
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 実習・日本の伝統文化3(箏)(Traditional Japanese Arts 3: Koto) INTS 299
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 300 ⽇本語5A(⼝頭表現)(Japanese 5A Speaking) JAPA 331
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 300 ⽇本語5A(⽂章表現)(Japanese 5 Writing) JAPA 331
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 300 ⽇本語5A(聴解)(Japanese 5A Listening) JAPA 331
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 300 ⽇本語5A(読解)(Japanese 5A Reading) JAPA 331
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 漢字語彙1 (Kanji and Vocabulary 1) JAPA 201
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 100 漢字語彙2(Kanji and Vocabulary 2) JAPA 330
Japan External - Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies 200 漢字語彙4(Kanji 4) JAPA 330

Records 6601 to 6658 of 6658
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