Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Malta University of Malta SOC 2047 Understanding Nations and Nationalism GOVT 339, SOCI 395
Korea, South Yonsei University COM2105-01-00 Understanding of Advertising COMM 375
Korea, South External - Pusan National University EG2800521 UNDERSTANDING OF BR ITISH & AMERICAN CULTURE HNRS 130
Korea, South Yonsei University IEE3372-01-00 Understanding of Digital Media COMM 435
Korea, South Yonsei University IEE3372 Understanding of Digital Media COMM 435
Korea, South Yonsei University UCC1106 Understanding of The Universe Astr 103, Astr 103
Korea, South Yonsei University UCE1105 Understanding on cinema FAVS 225
United Kingdom University of Surrey ELI1021 Understanding Poetry INTS 399
Korea, South Yonsei University YCD1602 Understanding Popular Music MUSI 102
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4SOCL004W Understanding Race SOCI 308
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School SOC1002 Understanding Sociology SOCI 101
United Kingdom University of Surrey ELI1028 Understanding Stage and Screen FAVS 204
United Kingdom University of Surrey ELI1025 Understanding the Novel ENGH ----
Australia University of New South Wales ARTS2876 Understanding the Self PHIL 100
United Kingdom University of Kent CLAS6005 UNESCO World Heritage sites, finding a future for our past ANTH 3---
Mexico Universidad de las Américas Puebla LRI 3071 United States Foreign Policy GOVT 344
Korea, South Yonsei University POL3828-01 United States Foreign Policy GOVT 344
France Sciences Po - Paris campus BAIS 1835A United States Interworks Since 1898 HIST 389
Greece American College of Thessaloniki SNCP 120 University Physics I, for Science & Engineering PHYS 160
France Sciences Po - Paris campus DAFF 25A48 UNPK : THEORY & PRACTICE GOVT 398, GOVT 444
Australia University of South Australia MARK 3023 UO Digital Marketing MKTG 315
Australia University of South Australia BEHL 1027 UO Psychology Concepts PSYC 461
Japan Nagoya University of Foreign Studies J200 Upper Beginner - Intensive JAPA 201
Japan Nagoya University of Foreign Studies J211 Upper Beginner - Semi Intensive JAPA 331
Japan Akita International University JPL-205 Upper Elementary Japanese 205 JAPA 330 + JAPA 2---
Japan Akita International University JPL229 Upper Elementary Japanese II Practice JAPA 440
Japan Nagoya University of Foreign Studies J400 Upper Intermediate - Intensive JAPA 331
Mexico Universidad de las Américas Puebla LEA3112 Urban Anthropology ANTH 382
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 28325 Urban Areas: Processes and territorial organization GGS 306
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam L_AABAMKD207 Urban Culture and Public Sace ANTH 382
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2315ENV Urban Ecology and Biodiversity BIOL 3---
Australia Griffith University - Nathan campus 2315ENV Urban Ecology and Biodiversity BIOL 3---
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam E_MFRE_UERE Urban Economics and Real Estate Pending For Approval
Germany Freie Universität Berlin (FUBiS) Summer School Urban Economics: Key Drivers of City Development ECON 3--
Australia Griffith University - Nathan campus 2414ENV Urban Environmental Systems Pending For Approval
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2414ENV Urban Environmental Systems GGS 399
New Zealand Massey University - Palmerston North (Manawatu) campus 145216 Urban Environments GGS 306
Australia Curtin University GEOG3000 Urban Geographies GGS 306
France Sciences Po - Paris campus DSPO 25A25 Urban Governance and Environmental Policy GOVT 464
Japan Waseda University GSSH201P Urban History of Tokyo HIST 387
Netherlands Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication CH2211 Urban History: Rotterdam in Global Perspective HIST 388
Germany Freie Universität Berlin (FUBiS) Summer School Urban Imaginaries: Between Place and Space in Berlin GGS 306
Japan Waseda University GSSH101L Urban Living GOVT 319, GOVT 398
New Zealand Massey University - Palmerston North (Manawatu) campus 132414 Urban Planning and Design GGS 357, GOVT 357
Australia Curtin University URDE3002 Urban Regeneration GGS 306
United Kingdom University of Westminster 5PLAN002W Urban Regeneration and Development GGS 3---
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Urban Studies ANTH 396
South Africa University of the Witwatersrand INTR3013 (S1) [E] US Foreign Policy GOVT 344, GOVT 444
United Kingdom University of Leicester CO2104 User Interfaces and HCI SYST 469
Ireland Dublin City University HIS1013 Uses and Abuses of History HNRS 240
Japan Doshisha University 31810204 US-Japan Cultural Relations in the Global Age INTS 399
Belgium Ghent University F000738 Valuation and Financial Risk Management FNAN ---
Brazil Insper Value Chain and Business Ecosystems Management OSCM 491
Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong GE1109 Values and Justice in the Contemporary World GOVT 329, GOVT 398
Netherlands Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication CC2008 Values of Culture ANTH 399
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 16935 Varieties of Capitalism GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Australia Curtin University MATH2008 Vector Calculus MATH 213
United Kingdom University of Surrey MAT1005 Vector Calculus MATH 213
Turkey Sabanci University MATH 206 Vector Calculus MATH 213
Australia University of New South Wales FINS3623 Venture Capital FNAN 431
Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong BIOL3620 Vertebrate Life BIOL 438
Australia University of South Australia MENG 4034 Vibration Analysis of Mechanical Systems Pending For Approval
Australia Griffith University - Gold Coast campus 2014CCJ Victimology CRIM 404
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam R_Victimo Victimology CRIM 404
United Kingdom University of Surrey ELI2034 Victorian Literature & Culture ENGH 202
United Kingdom University of Leicester EN 3030 Victorian to Modern: Literature 1870-1945 INTS 399
Italy American University of Rome Summer School DM 210 Video Fashion Communication COMM L397
Japan Waseda University MDAX201L Video Game Studies 01 JAPA 370
Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong GE4102 Video Game: History, Industry, Society, and Creativity GAME 230
Multiple External - Semester at Sea JTC 345 Video Production COMM U208
Sweden Linnaeus University - Växjö campus 1ME314 Video production 1 FAVS ----
Sweden Linnaeus University - Växjö campus 1ME315 Video production 2 FAVS 255
Spain Universidad de Zaragoza 25145 Video-Art Workshop AVT 390
Australia University of South Australia POLI3019 Villains, Victims and Outsiders: Marginalisation in World Affairs INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent CLAS7620 Virgil's 'Aeneid' INTS 399
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 15992 Virtual Equipments INTS 399, INTS 399
Korea, South Yonsei University 2111 Vision, Mind, and Brain PSYC 461
Mexico Universidad de las Américas Puebla READ1052 Visual Anthropology ANTH 396
Japan Hosei University A6116 Visual Arts AVT 204
Ireland Dublin City University EDP1058 Visual Arts and Music Education INTS 399
Japan Hosei University A6130 Visual Arts/ Visual Arts AVT 253
Sweden Linnaeus University - Kalmar campus 2DI585 Visual Communication and Change COMM 366
Japan Hosei University A6117 Visual Communication Design AVT 311
South Africa Stellenbosch University International Summer School Visual Controversies in South Africa, Past and Present ARTH 303
United Kingdom University of Westminster 4GPDS004W Visual Language and Communication COMM 366
Germany University of Mannheim MKW 411 VL Mediale Öffentlichkeiten/Meditated public spheres COMM 396, INTS 399
Germany University of Mannheim MKW 431 VL Rezeption und Wirkung von Medien (inhalten)/Exposure to and effects of Media (Content) COMM 396
Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito PSI 3115E Vocational Psychology PSYC 3---
Germany University of Mannheim MKW 311 Vorlesung Einführung in die MKW/ Introduction to Mediaa nd Communication Studies COMM L396
France Sciences Po - Reims campus DHUM 27A27 Walking in the city : les flâneuses GOVT 414, GOVT 398
Italy Mason-Led: Florence Semester Experience at FUA LAPLWA300-203 Wanderlust: The Physical and Emotional State of Walking Pending For Approval
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School 4ZSS0162 War and Diplomacy GOVT 398
Greece American College of Thessaloniki Politics 301 War and Human Security in the Modern World GOVT 444
Japan Waseda University ARSA181L War and Japan HIST 387
Japan Hosei University A8513 War and Memory in Modern Japan JAPA 240
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 17703 War, Peace, and Political Violence CONF 397
Australia University of New South Wales ARTS2243 Waste and Society Pending For Approval
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM410 Water and Environmental Engineering 1 CEIE 240

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