Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Biological Psychology: The Human Body PSYC 372
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Clinical Psychology: Anxiety and Stress PSYC 461
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Developmental Psychology: Influency to Old Age PSYC 211
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Developmental Psychology: The Changing Man PSYC 313
Netherlands Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences Organizational Psychology: The Working Man PSYC 461
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Core Themes in Anthropology ANTH 114
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Development and Globalization SOCI 120
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam History and Theory of Anthorpolgy ANTH 396
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Love Theories in Anthropology ANTH 114
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Medieval Philosophy PHIL 391
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Nation and Migration ANTH 396, ANTH 398
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Religions and Gender RELI 407
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Transatlantic Travel Writing ENGH 309
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Urban Studies ANTH 396
Germany Freie Universität Berlin (FUBiS) Summer School EU - Global Player GOVT 398
Germany Freie Universität Berlin (FUBiS) Summer School Intensive German GERM 110
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) German Language GERM 310
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) German Language Intermediate II GERM 418
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) German Language Intermediate III GERM 415
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) Inclusive Growth + Sustainability ECON 3---
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) Intenstive Intermediate German GERM 201 + GERM 202
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) Leading Change INST 399
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French 110 A1 &A2 FREN 110
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French 210 B1 FREN 201
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French A1 Intensive FREN 101
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French A2 Intensive FREN 102
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French B1 Intensive FREN 201
Canada French Language in Montreal Summer School French B2 Intensive FREN 202
Japan Hosei University Culture and Society in Meji and Taisho HIST 387
Japan Hosei University Introduction to Cultural History of Japan JAPA 340, HIST 387
Japan Hosei University Japanese Language Practice 1, 2, 3 JAPA 331
Japan Hosei University Japanese Language Practice Conversation JAPA 3---
Japan Hosei University Japanese Language Practice Listening, Vocab, and Kanji JAPA 3---
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Secrets and Spies: Modern Espionage and Intelligence CRIM 485, CRIM485 + CRIM 490
France Sciences Po - Reims campus Economic Growth and Development ECON 360
France Sciences Po - Reims campus Introduction Political Economy ECON 496
France Sciences Po - Reims campus Introduction Public Econ ECON 330
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Art History 1 ARTH 200
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Bank Management ECON 310
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Comparative Politics GOVT 133, INTS L399
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Comparative Sociology SOCI 395
Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid International Trade GOVT 398
United Kingdom University of Leicester Global Poverty and Development SOCI 320
Germany University of Mannheim Biopsychology: Evolution and the Social Brain Pathology PSYC 461
Germany University of Mannheim Bodies That Matter: An Introduction to American Bodies WMST 300
Germany University of Mannheim Body Politics, Consumption and Culture in a Global Context WMST 300
Germany University of Mannheim Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU GOVT 398
Germany University of Mannheim Cross Cultural Psychology PSYC 379
Germany University of Mannheim Differential Psychology: Creativity PSYC 335
Germany University of Mannheim Differential Psychology: Self Concept PSYC 461
Germany University of Mannheim Emotions in Decision Making Process PSYC 461
United Kingdom University of Westminster British Politics GOVT 398, GOVT 444
United Kingdom University of Westminster Global Governance and the State GOVT 398, GOVT 444
United Kingdom University of Westminster Photography in London AVT 253
United Kingdom University of Westminster Politics and Society GOVT 103
Korea, South Yonsei University Media Art and Society COMM 202
Korea, South Yonsei University Theories of Telecomm COMM 3---
Korea, South Yonsei University International Summer School Production and Operations Management OM 303
Japan Hosei University Japanese Popular Culture INTS 399
Japan Hosei University Principles of Marketing MKTG L303
Japan Hosei University General Topics II: Tokyo Tales-discovering the hidden city ARTH 311, INTS 399
Japan Hosei University Bio-diversity and Nature Conservation in Japan INTS 399, EVPP 302
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam International Criminal Courts and Tribunals CRIM 485, CRIM 490
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Human Rights and Citizenship GOVT 398, ANTH 398, CRIM 490
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Democray and it's History GOVT 398
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Conflict and Peace Building: Global and Intersectional Perspectives INTS 399
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam PR and Reputation Management COMM L388
Netherlands Free University of Amsterdam Ethics PHIL 151
United Kingdom King's College London International Summer School Politics and the Media INTS 399, COMM 327, INTS 399
Taiwan National Taiwan University Introduction to European Politics GOVT 398
Taiwan National Taiwan University NTU General Chinese Language Intermediate CHIN 480
Taiwan National Taiwan University NTU General Chinese Language Advanced CHIN 481
Ireland University of Galway Gaelic Culture and Literature INTS 399
Ireland University of Galway Representing Ireland Literature and Film INTS 399
Ireland University of Galway Archeological Heritage of Ireland INTS 399
Ireland University of Galway Irish History, Conflict, Identity and Shaping of Modern Ireland INTS 399
Ireland University of Galway Intro to Art in Ireland INTS 399
United Kingdom University of Kent Reading and Writing the Everyday ENG 396
United Kingdom University of Kent Narrative Theory and Practice ENG 398
United Kingdom University of Kent Reading and Writing the Innovative Contemporary Novel ENG 497
United Kingdom University of Westminster Contemporary British Television and Cinema FAVS 399
United Kingdom University of Westminster Shakespeare and Preformance THR 321, INTS 399, ENGH 202
United Kingdom University of Westminster Satire and the City THR 352
United Kingdom University of Westminster London Theatre Studies THR 359
Australia Western Sydney University - Penrith campus Strategic Sport Logistics SPMT 470
Korea, South Yonsei University International Relations in East Asia GOVT 444
Korea, South Yonsei University Current Issues in International Law GOVT 444
Korea, South Yonsei University International Organizations and Law GOVT 444
Korea, South Yonsei University International Politics of Korean Peninsula GOVT 444
Malta University of Malta Global History: theories and applications HIST L387
Malta University of Malta Global history (c.1492 - c.1870) HIST L387
Malta University of Malta World History: From Early Societies to 1500 HIST L387
Germany Freie Universität of Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST) Experiential Beginning German GERM 101
Korea, South Yonsei University Macroeconomic Principles ECON 104
Japan Hosei University Brand Management INTS 399
Japan Hosei University Arts and Society INTS 399, SOCI 377
Japan Hosei University The Psychology of Language INTS 399
Germany University of Mannheim Microeconometrics ECON 3---
Malta University of Malta Contemporary Migration Issues Across the Mediterranean (History, Policy and International Law) INTS 399
France Université Lumière Lyon 2 Langue Française FREN 463

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