Course Database

Welcome to the Course Equivalency Database! This database is a searchable listing of all pre-approved Mason courses related to study abroad. This database is not all inclusive – additional courses may be requested for approval by clicking the “Request Equivalency" option above.

This database is a resource to Mason students interested in studying abroad. The courses below have been evaluated by Mason and approved for the listed credits. Browse through the database using the filters, and click “View” to see more information on individual courses. To request equivalency for new course or report your registration while abroad please Login. Please note that not all courses will be available each term. To find out more about individual programs please visit our or contact us at


Country Institution Course Number
at Institution
Course Title
at Institution
Mason Equivalent
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 204 3D Design for Games GAME 231 + GAME 399, GAME 388 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University ART 202 3D Production Methods GAME 399, GAME 398 + GAME 394
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 201 Gameplay and Narrative Design GAME 332 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 304 Gameplay and Prototyping GAME 410 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University CMP 301 Graphics Programming with Shaders GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 205 Level Design and Scripting GAME 310 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 303 Production and Leadership GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 301 Professional Project Planning and Prototyping GAME 310 + GAME 399, GAME 330 + GAME 331
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 302 Professional Project: Development and Delivery GAME 410 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University AUD 302 Sound and Music for the Moving Image GAME 367 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 306 Spacial Constructs GAME 310 + GAME 399, GAME 399, GAME 410 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University ART 303 Technical Art Applications GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 306 Special Constructs GAME 410 + GAME 349, GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 204 3D Design for Games GAME 398
United Kingdom Abertay University SPS201 Psychology for Sport and Exercise SPMT 320
United Kingdom Abertay University LSC101 Biology 1: Biology Principles and Practice BIOL 103 + BIOL 105
United Kingdom Abertay University ANF202 Business Analytics BUS 210
United Kingdom Abertay University CRM101 Crime and Punishment CRIM 210
United Kingdom Abertay University PSY205 Cognitive and Social Perspectives on Psychology PSYC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR101 Foundations of Chemistry 1 CHEM ----
United Kingdom Abertay University FOD101 Fundamentals of Nutrition NUTR 295
United Kingdom Abertay University ENV101 Introduction to Environmental Sciences EVPP 108
United Kingdom Abertay University PSY101 Introductory Psychology PSYC 100
United Kingdom Abertay University ART104 3D Visualization INTS 295
United Kingdom Abertay University PSY101/PSY102 Introductory Psychology 1&2 PSYC 100
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 203 Interactive Media Production GAME 310 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University ELE 005 Defence Against the Dark Arts GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University ELE002 Games for Change GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 307 Character Art Production GAME 399, GAME 398 + GAME 399
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM203 Water Resources and Fluid Mechanics CEIE 240
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM206 Structural Engineering 1 CEIE 311
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR201 Advanced Chemical Processes CHEM ----
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR205 Forensic Human Identification FRSC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR301 Special Topics in Forensic Biology FRSC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR303 Forensic Chromatography and Spectroscopy FRSC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR305 Forensic Material Investigation FRSC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR212 Investigative Analytical Science FRSC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University LSC201 Molecular Biology and Genetics FRSC 325
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR312 Scene Examination and Management FRSC 3---
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM404 Civil and Environmental Engineering Project CEIE 498
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM304 Geotechnical Engineering CEIE 331
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM305 Structural Engineering 2 CEIE 412, CEIE 413
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM207 Engineering Science 3 INTS 399
United Kingdom Abertay University LSC102 Human Physiology BIOL ----
United Kingdom Abertay University LSC204 Medical Physiology INTS 399
United Kingdom Abertay University SPS203 Key Concepts in Sport and Exercise Physiology Pending For Approval
United Kingdom Abertay University SPS202 Biomechanics for Sport and Exercise Pending For Approval
United Kingdom Abertay University SPS301 Coaching and Learning Pending For Approval
United Kingdom Abertay University FOD201 Public Health Nutrition and Health Promotion 1 Pending For Approval
United Kingdom Abertay University FOD205 Nutrition through the Lifespan Pending For Approval
United Kingdom Abertay University SPS310 Physiological Adaptations for Performance Pending For Approval
United Kingdom Abertay University AUD 311 Sound and Music for Games GAME 250
United Kingdom Abertay University CMP 105 Games Programming GAME 210
United Kingdom Abertay University DES 101 Developing Game Concepts GAME 101
United Kingdom Abertay University SOC 102 History and Social Change HIST 388
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM409 Finite element analysis and application CEIE 414
United Kingdom Abertay University EEM410 Water and Environmental Engineering 1 CEIE 240
United Kingdom Abertay University ELE007 Cities of the future/Smart cities INTS 399
United Kingdom Abertay University ELE012 Film and Game Genres FAVS L399
United Kingdom Abertay University CRM103 Criminal Justice Processes CRIM 490
United Kingdom Abertay University LSC202 Cell Biology & Immunology BIOL 417
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR206 Forensic Science: Quality, Regulation and the Law FRSC 2---
United Kingdom Abertay University PSY203 Forensic Psychology: Understanding Offending Behaviour PSYC 380
United Kingdom Abertay University FOR213 Forensic Quality, Professional Practice & Work Based Learning FRSC 2---
Japan Akita International University JPL-206 Elementary Japanese 206 JAPA 330 + 331
Japan Akita International University JAS-217 History of Modern Japan JAPA 330 + JAPA 331, HIST 356
Japan Akita International University JPL-300 Intermediate Japanese 300 JAPA 440 + JAPA 441
Japan Akita International University JPL-231 Japanese Practice JAPA 3---
Japan Akita International University JPL-381 Kanji Foundation JAPA 3---
Japan Akita International University JPL-361 Pronunciation JAPA 3---
Japan Akita International University JPL-390 Reading Comprehension JAPA 3---
Japan Akita International University JPL-205 Upper Elementary Japanese 205 JAPA 330 + JAPA 2---
Japan Akita International University CSS 220 Machine learning and Big Data CDS 303
Japan Akita International University INT290 Comprehension of International News INTS 295
Japan Akita International University ENG110 English Literature ENGH 201, ENGH 201
Japan Akita International University MAT250 Calculus MATH 113, MATH 113
Japan Akita International University MAT240 Mathematics Behind the Technological Society MATH 125
Japan Akita International University JAS220 Japanese Politics GOVT 444, GOVT 398
Japan Akita International University HIS250 Introduction to East Asia Studies HIST 252
Japan Akita International University LAW160 Japan's Constitution and Law GOVT 398, GOVT 444
Japan Akita International University JAS370 Anime and Contemporary Japanese Visual Culture JAPA 360
Japan Akita International University JPL101 Elementary Japanese 101 JAPA 110
Japan Akita International University HIS355 Transatlantic History of North America and Europe HIST 387
Japan Akita International University JAS290 Religion in Japan RELI 212
Japan Akita International University PLS245 International Law and Institutions GOVT 446
Japan Akita International University CCS120 Computer Literacy CS ----
Japan Akita International University CHM100 Introduction to Chemistry CHEM 211
Japan Akita International University CHM150 Chemistry Laboratory CHEM 213
Japan Akita International University JPL 125 Elementary Japanese (2) JAPA 202
Japan Akita International University ART310 Science and Art : Cultural History, Theory, Criticism ENGH 308
Japan Akita International University SOC290 Media Literacy INTS 399
Japan Akita International University JAS115 Traditional Japanese Arts I: Tea Ceremony ARTH 385
Japan Akita International University HIS101 World History I HIST 125
Japan Akita International University PHI 150 Western Philosophy : An Introduction to Philosophy through Science-Fiction PHIL 100
Japan Akita International University DGT220 Digital Story Telling ENGH 377
Japan Akita International University JPL352 Japanese Linguistics: Analyzing the Grammar of Japanese JAPA 350
Japan Akita International University JPL213 Japanese Speaking JAPA 440
Japan Akita International University JPL229 Upper Elementary Japanese II Practice JAPA 440
Japan Akita International University PLS442 International Organizations and Sustainable Development ggs 307
Japan Akita International University ECN305 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 104

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