Course Details

Country: Korea, South
Institution: Yonsei University
Course Number: YCF1424
Course Description: This is an English communication course arranged around the topic of food, but do not be deceived: this is not a light course. Food Studies is a small field in academia, but one which is covers the breadth of human existence: archaeology, sociology, relationships, science, and psychology are just some of the fields which are represented. Food is a basic aspect of our lives but one which is not often deeply considered. The underlying premise of this course is that the quality of the classroom experience is much higher when content is interesting and student involvement is a necessary part of the process. This course runs along a basic format: topics are introduced and discussed in class and students write reflective journals about the content as well as prepare presentations which focus on areas of interest. Personal data is gathered by individuals (by video or audio recording) and analyzed with
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: INTS 399
Course URL:
Attachment Files: foodtheory.pdf

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