Course Details

Country: Germany
Course Title: Causes and consequences of political efficacy
Course Number:
Course Description: In political science, perceptions of political efficacy have long been discussed as a key resource of political participation. In this context, a distinction is generally made between two aspects of political efficacy: assessments of personal efficacy (internal political efficacy) relate to perceptions of the extent to which one understands and is able to influence political processes. Attitudes towards the responsiveness of the state and political elites (external political efficacy), on the other hand, refer to perceptions of the extent to which political actors are actually willing to take up the opinions and demands of citizens and implement them into policies. In this seminar, we will talk about the causes and consequences of such perceptions of efficacy and discuss why such perceptions can vary according to socio-structural positions and migration background.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: SOCI 340, SOCI 340

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