Course Details

Country: Spain
Course Title: History of Cinema
Course Number: 18396
Course Description: At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to: - Identify the most relevant movements, schools, genres, styles, authors and productions in the History of Cinema, from its origins to our days. - Acknowledge the basic elements of filmic language and how they have been used throughout history, as well as to analyze them in particular films. - Understand the relationship between film as a cultural product and the historic, ideological, artistic and social context in which it emerges. - Locate the information necessary to correctly fulfill his or her duties, as well as interpret it in order to elaborate contents and well-formed opinions. - Communicate and argue with academic rigor on the contents of the course, both in oral and written form. - Work with neatness, efficiency and in depth, both on his or her own and in groups.
Language: English
Approved Equivalent: HIST 393
Course URL:

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