Course Details
Université Paris I Dauphine
Course Title:
Migrations in globalization -2024
Course Number:
Course Description:
The class offers an inter-disciplinary exploration of international migrations within societies around the world today. It asks who migrates, why, how, where to and when, and how central international mobility is to the constructions of identities and societies today. Its focus is on understanding migration as a key human capability, and the tensions (sociological, political, human) at work within the exercise of this capability. The class reviews the main theories deployed within migration studies to analyze mobility, the main migration corridors around the world, and the complicated interactions between migrants, societies, and States. It also interrogates the notion of “migrant” itself and offers to reflect on how it interacts with other notions such as “the family”, the “Nation”, the “border”, the “community” , the “imagination” . It looks at the vulnerabilities, but also the resilience, of people on the move – their projects, successes and failures, risks, fears, and desires.
Approved Equivalent:
GLOA 480
Attachment Files:
Migrations_in_globalization daulphine course.pdf