Course Details
University of Mannheim
Course Title:
Meaning in Language
Course Number:
ANG 303
Course Description:
We use language in order to convey meaning to others. As such, meaning is one of the most essential aspects of language and communication. Semantics is the branch of linguistics, which, along with Pragmatics, deals with meaning in language. But what does 'meaning' actually mean? Are meanings dictionary definitions, objects in the world or speakers' intentions? Consider (1) – (3) illustrating these different types of meaning (from Riemer, 2010: 7): (1) 'Stout' means 'short and fat' (2) In Sydney, 'the bridge' means the Harbour Bridge. (3) By turning off the music I didn't mean that you should go. This course will provide an overview of the field of linguistic Semantics and Pragmatics. It will introduce essential concepts for understanding the ways in which meaning can be analysed in linguistics, and acquaint students with major theoretical approaches and current debates in the field. We will investigate what units of language (morphemes,
Approved Equivalent:
LING 485
Attachment Files:
mannheim - ANG 303 - meaning in language.docx